Tuesday, August 30, 2011

32 Weeks...

Settling Down...
Your babies are both just under 17 inches long from head to heel and each weighs almost 4 pounds. Just like newborns, your babies sleep most of the time. They even experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the period of sleep when we dream!

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*Your baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
*You might notice he's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
*All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
*Toenails are completely formed even though she may not be quite ready for a French manicure.
*Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in. Will she have dad's black hair or your red hair?
*Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month. What do you suppose your daughter is dreaming about?

Monday, August 29, 2011

I was the sun, the kids were my planets...

I was the sun, the kids were my planets

By Beverly Beckham

August 27, 2006

I wasn't wrong about their leaving. My husband kept telling me I was. That it wasn't the end of the world when first one child, then another , and then the last packed their bags and left for college.

But it was the end of something. "Can you pick me up, Mom?" "What's for dinner?" "What do you think?"

I was the sun and they were the planets. And there was life on those planets, whirling, non stop plans and parties and friends coming and going, and ideas and dreams and the phone ringing and doors slamming.

And I got to beam down on them. To watch. To glow.

And then they were gone, one after the other.

"They'll be back," my husband said. And he was right. They came back. But he was wrong, too, because they came back for intervals -- not for always, not planets anymore, making their predictable orbits, but unpredictable, like shooting stars.

Always is what you miss. Always knowing where they are. At school. At play practice. At a ballgame. At a friend's. Always looking at the clock mid day and anticipating the door opening, the sigh, the smile, the laugh, the shrug. "How was school?" answered for years in too much detail. "And then he said . . . and then I said to him..." Then hardly answered at all.

Always, knowing his friends.

Her favorite show.

What he had for breakfast.

What she wore to school.

What he thinks.

How she feels.

My friend Beth's twin girls left for Roger Williams yesterday. They are her fourth and fifth children. She's been down this road three times before. You'd think it would get easier.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without them," she has said every day for months.

And I have said nothing, because, really, what is there to say?

A chapter ends. Another chapter begins. One door closes and another door opens. The best thing a parent can give their child is wings. I read all these things when my children left home and thought then what I think now: What do these words mean?

Eighteen years isn't a chapter in anyone's life. It's a whole book, and that book is ending and what comes next is connected to, but different from, everything that has gone before.

Before was an infant, a toddler, a child, a teenager. Before was feeding and changing and teaching and comforting and guiding and disciplining, everything hands -on. Now?

Now the kids are young adults and on their own and the parents are on the periphery, and it's not just a chapter change. It's a sea change.

As for a door closing? Would that you could close a door and forget for even a minute your children and your love for them and your fear for them, too. And would that they occupied just a single room in your head. But they're in every room in your head and in your heart.

As for the wings analogy? It's sweet. But children are not birds. Parents don't let them go and build another nest and have all new offspring next year.

Saying goodbye to your children and their childhood is much harder than all the pithy sayings make it seem. Because that's what going to college is. It's goodbye.

It's not a death. And it's not a tragedy.

But it's not nothing, either.

To grow a child, a body changes. It needs more sleep. It rejects food it used to like. It expands and it adapts.

To let go of a child, a body changes, too. It sighs and it cries and it feels weightless and heavy at the same time.

The drive home alone without them is the worst. And the first few days. But then it gets better. The kids call, come home, bring their friends, fill the house with their energy again.

Life does go on.

"Can you give me a ride to the mall?" "Mom, make him stop!" I don't miss this part of parenting, playing chauffeur and referee. But I miss them, still, all these years later, the children they were, at the dinner table, beside me on the couch, talking on the phone, sleeping in their rooms, safe, home, mine.

Beverly Beckham can be reached at bbeckham@globe.com.

© Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

First and Earthquake... now Hurricane Irene...

Ok, so Tuesday we had an earthquake and now we have Hurricane Irene coming with a bunch of flooding and Tornado warnings. There is so much craziness going on in the world right now!

Yesterday we had to make a trip to the grocery store to pick up the necessity stuff and John had to clean off our back patio so that nothing blew away or got damaged. It's crazy because the way they have our townhouses set up it's like a windtunnel back here!

John had to work today so I was home with the munchkins all day. The day started out normal but then by the afternoon we were getting terrible rain storms. They sent John home from work at 3PM because the dealership was closing. They evacuated all of the shores and stuff and were closing roads. They wanted people to stay in doors. I made a big pot of homemade beef stew which turned out totally yummy! I know it's summer time but it seemed very fitting. So, John came home and we just hung out watching the weather channel to see what was coming our way. The storm was just crazy! As we were watching the news we kept getting the emergency broadcast signal that there were Tornado warnings for our town and them telling us what to do and where to hide in case of a Tornado touching down. The rain was so heavy outside, poor John had to keep running out there to empty the water out of our window well for the basement because the water was literally pouring into the basement! I felt so bad that I couldn't go out there and help him. He was trying to dig the well down deeper and cover it up. He even dug a few small trenches out there to try to help. While he was out there of course my crazy lil monkeys wouldn't get away from the door and kept wanting to go outside with daddy. At one point he came running into the house and told the kids to get away from the windows and stuff because the sirens started going off. I don't know if it was because of flooding, a tornado or what! it was just a crazy scary night!

Thankfully the water in the basement was minimal, thanks to John going out and doing what he did. We had no tornados touch down here but Pitman and I believe Glassboro did. We made out so well and are very thankful for it. Some people got seriously flooding, wind damage and trees falling in there yards and houses and much worse.

Here is a picture that was taken as it hit North Carolina landfall. It's amazing!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

6th Ultrasound...

So today we went for another ultrasound. Everything went well for the most part. Both babies are growing like weeds, they both have great heartbeats and they are both head down! The babies were pretty cooperative for the US tech. She got all of her measurements and everything. Baby A is now measuring 3 lbs. 8 oz. and Baby B had a huge growth spurt again and is now measuring 4 lbs. 11 oz. so that is where the doctor is concerned but not worried. The girls are in two separate sacs so they each have their own placenta, so it isn't like Baby B is stealing all of the food and nutrients from Baby A. So they just want to keep a close eye on it to see how they grow. He said it could have been something technical or with the babies positioning so that's why he said he is concerned but not worried. They are going to start sending me for weekly stress tests already starting next week and also growth checks every two weeks for the rest of my pregnancy.

I guess doctors always have to give you worst case scenarios because he went on to say I am far enough along to where if I were to go into labor they would see if they wanted to stop it or just go ahead and take the babies. He said technically once you hit 32 weeks the babies are viable so we'll just play it by ear and see what happens. My goal is to make it at least 38 weeks and then be induced like last time. That's my story and that's what I'm sticking to!

I am so not ready for the babies to get here yet. I have so much to do to get ready for them and I have no energy to do it. I've been so tired because I'm not sleeping at night because my hips have been bothering me so bad and I have to pee like every 45 minutes. So yeah... I'm just feeling huge & uncomfortable, exhausted, slightly overwhelmed and trying my hardest not to stress out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Don’t Dance So Fast...

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You’d better slow down
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Ever told your child,
We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,’Hi’
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift..
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

- David Weatherford

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake rocks New Jersey and New York... Really!!

Published: Tuesday, August 23, 2011, 1:56 PM

By Star-Ledger Staff The Star-Ledger

NEWARK— A rare earthquake centered in Virginia rattled parts of New Jersey and New York shortly before 2 p.m. today, causing buildings to sway in cities and towns across the region.

There were no immediate reports of any injuries or structural damage, but the quake rattled nerves.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported that a magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit at 1:51 p.m. and the epicenter was northwest of Richmond, Va., about halfway to Charlottesville. The Associated Press is reporting the quake was felt in Washington, D.C., New York City and North Carolina.

The quake was later downgraded to a magnitude 5.8.

U.S.G.S. Geophysicist Julie Dutton said an earthquake of this magnitude is rare for the East Coast but that the effects are felt widely in our region because quakes move more easily through the bedrock.


"It is definitely unusual to have a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Virginia,'' Dutton said.

The East Coast quake followed a 5.3 magnitude shaker in Colorado, but Dutton said the two events most likely are not related.

"It's actually about 6 kilometers deep, which is pretty typical for quakes in the East," he said. "They're very shallow."
About the quake:

Don Blakeman, a geophysicist at the USGS, said the magnitude of the earthquake might change once more data is available.

The 5.8-magnitude earthquake that was felt shortly before 2 p.m. in several states along the East Coast this afternoon originated in central Virginia, more than 300 miles from Newark.

Blakeman said there are fault lines throughout the East Coast but scientists have yet to identify where the main ones would be. He said the makeup of the earth's surface in the East Coast ensured that the quake was felt throughout the region.
Virginia's largest recorded earthquake was in 1897 and was of the same magnitude as the one today, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The last earthquake in the greater New York area was recorded at 1.6 magnitude on June 9 in South Plainfield.

"The crust in the Eastern part of the U.S. carries the quake much more energetically," Blakeman said. "This will have been felt all the way up into New England, West, and down into the Carolinas."

As he was speaking, Blakeman said the USGS had just registered an aftershock at roughly 2:40 p.m.

"There absolutely will be aftershocks when you have a good-size earthquake that's shallow in the crust," Blakeman said.

Jonathan Husch, chair of the department of geological, environmental and marine sciences at Rider University in Lawrenceville estimated the intensity was about a 3 in New Jersey, meaning most people felt a mild shaking, as if a large truck was passing their building or house.

"Earthquakes in the eastern part of the U.S. are not unusual. They're not common, but they're not unusual," he said.

The quake in Virginia may be the largest ever recorded in that area, Husch added.

Many scientists who study earthquakes say the New York City area is overdue for a moderate earthquake that will damage buildings.

"This wasn't it," Husch said.


In South Brunswick, police Sgt. James Ryan said the shaking brought staff out of their offices and immediately jammed the township’s emergency lines.

"The 911 line is flooding with calls right now," Ryan said at 2 p.m. "People want to know what happened. They want to know if there was an explosion."
earthquake-nj.jpgU.S. Geological SurveyA 5.8-magnitude earthquake in central Virginia was felt in several states along the East Coast this afternoon.

The quake was felt in the offices of Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Hill, Union County.

Liza Ottesen, who works as a manager there, said her whole desk area started "swaying."

"Everything started to sway very slightly, gently back and forth. It was very odd; I'm in the middle of a large building and nothing sways back and forth," she said. "I stood up and looked around to see if anyone else had noticed the same thing, and everybody was doing what I was doing."

She said there was no damage, but described the feeling as "strange."

"It was a swaying that is not supposed to happen to a building," she said.

Middletown Police also reported some minor damage at a Sears store.

“A couple ceiling tiles fell out,” Sgt. Paul Bailey said. “And maybe the supports that hold them up. Nothing earth shattering, pardon the pun.”

In Plainfield, employees in the Park Madison building — a mix of local and state government offices — were evacuated after the tremor, according to James Pellettiere, a Union County spokesman.

“They were quickly brought back into the building ,” Pellettiere said.

Farther north, in the county’s six-story administration building in Elizabeth, there was a continuous shaking, according to Sebastian D’Elia, another spokesman.

“The building shook a little bit like spaghetti,” said D’Elia, who works on the building’s top floor. It went on for a minute and I kind of got sea sick.”

D’Elia said the county’s emergency management office was jammed with calls – a situation being experienced at local 9-1-1 dispatch centers around the state.
Video: Earthquake hits New Jersey, Newark city hall evacuated A 5.8 earthquake in Virginia was felt across the state causing evacuations in Newark. Outside City Hall, Mayor Cory Booker let workers know it was safe to return to the building. (Video by Michael Monday & Nyier Abdou/The Star-Ledger) Watch video

“Unless you have damage or emergency issues that need to be addressed, please do not call police headquarters,” he said.

In New Brunswick, county employees in the four-story Middlesex County Administration building were evacuated, according to county administrator John Pulomena.

The quake was felt in the Middlesex County Courthouse, but, although most of the people inside left the five-story building, there was no official evacuation ordered, according to the county Sheriff's Department.

J.D. Armelin, whose business office is in 75 Paterson St. in New Brunswick, said he was sitting in his chair in his office when the earthquake struck.

"I was in my rolling chair and I started rolling around, and it shook," Armelin said. "That was crazy."

He said he first attributed it to the work on the construction next to the building where they are preparing a site for a new parking deck and road, but when he got outside, he realized it wasn't the project.

Maliek Baker was sitting in a barber's chair in the Onyx Salon on Paterson Street, across from the Middlesex County Courthouse, and felt his chair start to shake.

"I said to a couple of the barbers that my chair was shaking and they laughed it off," Baker said. "Then one of the barbers went outside and saw that people were coming out of the courthouse and standing around. Then he came back in and said, 'Maliek, you're right. It was an earthquake."

Camden County’s Office of Emergency Management received several reports of possible damage to buildings but nothing serious, said Jay Vilardo, an emergency management planner.

“We’re just monitoring and assessing calls that are coming in,” he said around 3 p.m. “Just a big scare — that’s all.”

At Bergen Community College in Paramus, ESL professor Heidi Lieb was among faculty members putting in summer office hours when the quake struck.

“They’re doing construction on the building, so people probably chalked it up to that. But I have never felt a shake like that,” said Lieb. “Everybody’s coming out of their office to see what was going on, and nobody knows what to do.”

"We don't have any earthquake training,' she said. "Earthquakes, tornadoes. We just are not prepared for these kinds of things."

Atlantic City went into emergency mode with evacuations of high rises, including hospitals, schools, casinos and hotels, when the tremors hit, said city emergency management coordinator Thomas Foley. It also put coastal towns on the alert for a potential tsunami.

After the quake, buildings were inspected for damage. Foley said City Hall employees were sent home because of the late hour by the time the inspection of the building -- which was not damaged -- was completed. The housing authority evacuated its high rises, which did not sustain any damage but one person suffered a heart attack during the event, Foley said.

He said he received reports of a crack in a wall in one house and a broken water pipe in another building.

Emergency management officials also notified beach patrol to be on the alert.

"God forbid we see the water start receding, we've got to immediately evacuate the beach,'' he said. But the epicenter of the quake was so far inland that it did not pose a threat of a tsunami.
Earthquake hits during Ledger Live taping A 5.8 earthquake in Virginia was felt in the Star-Ledger newsroom during a Ledger Live taping. Watch video

There were no reports of widespread power outages caused by the earthquake in the central and southern regions of the state, according to officials at both Jersey Central Power and Lighting and Atlantic City Electric.

There are minor scattered outages reported on PSEG's online outage map. According to PSEG's spokeswoman Karen Johnson, no outages in their coverage area resulted from the earthquake.

At this time, there are very few reports of damage to any infrastructure in the state. Roadways, Bridges and tunnels all seem to be intact. Deptford Township in Gloucester County has reports of a gas leak on one street (Craig Drive) and there have been several residential evacuations at that location.

Gloucester County College also reported a gas leak in one building that has since been evacuated. There were no reports of any injuries.


On a packed 26th Street beach in Avalon, the tremors forced people upright in their beach chairs, looking quizzically at each other for 10 seconds until the shaking stopped.

"Do you feel that?" people shouted to each other.

Dozens of beachgoers reached for mobile phones, which quickly overloaded the capacity and prevented most calls from going through.
Why East Coast quakes are different from West Coast quakes

News of the Virginia earthquake was quickly confirmed and spread down the beach as an Army helicopter swooped up the coast at low altitude.

In Cape May, it was more of a shimmy than a quake along the beach. But the odd rumbling underfoot was enough to cause people to break from a lazy afternoon of tanning and sit up from their lounge chairs to look around in amazement at the beach umbrellas wiggling in concert.

Strangers who had ignored each other all day suddenly looked across chairs and blankets to asked in disbelief, "Is this an earthquake?"

It lasted nearly 45 seconds, long enough to convince any doubters and those sunbathers who awoke late from their chairs that it was indeed a quake.

The two-story headquarters for the Manasquan beach operations was closed following the quake after walls buckled and several gaps and cracks opened up, said Walter Wall, the borough beach manager.

The building, constructed in 1954, will be temporarily shored up and evaluated more thoroughly Wednesday. Regardless of the extent of the damage, Wall said, it could hasten plans to rebuild the structure.

“There were plans to get a new building anyway,” Wall said. “So, this may expedite the situation.”

The building is the location for the beach offices, a room for beach emergency responders, lifeguards, and police who patrol the beach and boardwalk after hours. Following the earthquake, Wall said, beach badges were sold just outside the entrance to the building.


New Jersey has seen earthquakes before. A series of four hit Morris County in February 2009, with the largest of a magnitude 3.0 at its epicenter in Victory Gardens. A 2.5 magnitude earthquake hit the same area in December 2009. A pair of quakes also hit Somerset County in February 2010, the larger of the two measuring 1.5.

A magnitude 5.0 quake centered near Ottawa, Canada, shook some parts of New Jersey last June, though no damage or injuries were reported.

Since New Jersey earthquakes are often at shallow levels in the ground, witnesses often say they can hear what sound like explosions — which is actually the breakage of rocks as it's happening.

The New Jersey area is due for one of its own, said Alexander Gates, the chairman of earth and environmental sciences at Rutgers-Newark, and an earthquake expert.

The seismic areas of the Garden State are similar to those of Virginia — and the last major one was in 1884, a magnitude 5.5 centered off the coast of Sandy Hook, which pulled houses off their foundations. In geologic terms, that means the state can expect one like Virginia’s Tuesday trembler any moment, likely in the next 20 years, Gates said.

“We’re overdue for one about that size right here,” Gates said.

Compiled by Star-Ledger staff writers Tomas Dinges, Mike Frassinelli, David Giambusso, Dan Goldberg, Kelly Heyboer, Ryan Hutchins, Eunice Lee, Len Melisurgo, Steven Strunsky, MaryAnn Spoto, Julia Terruso, Susan Todd and James Queally.

© 2011 NJ.com. All rights reserved.

31 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh approximately 3.5 pounds, measure just over 16 inches from head to heel, and are getting used to the world of light and dark by opening and closing their eyes. Their facial muscles continue to strengthen, and they can make different expressions. Their lungs are nearly mature; however, these last few weeks are crucial to healthy and complete lung development.

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*The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
*Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
*Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and her bones are growing and hardening.
*Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm).
*Her brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
*She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
*Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.

We Totally Just had an Earthquake in NJ...

So John and I were upstairs folding laundry and trying to clean up stuff to get ready for the new babies and the house started shaking like crazy!! No joke!!

Kathy was downstairs with the kids and John and I were upstairs. So we're just talking about everything that we need to do before the arrival of the girls as we were folding laundry. John walked over to his bureau to put clothes away and all of the sudden it started shaking. The crystals were shaking, the big mirror on the wall was shaking and the floor was shaking. John and I just looked at each other like WTF was that??? I said holy crap, we just had an earthquake! John just looked at me and laughed. He never believes me. LOL. We ran out of the bedroom and looked down to Kathy asking her what the heck was that and to check on everyone. She looked at us like we were completely nuts! She replied, what was what. So we told her what happened and she was like, I don't know what you're talking about. Aiden was just jumping around but other than that I have no clue what you're talking about. I told them both we just had an earthquake.

My cell phone started blowing up with incoming messages of people updating their Facebook status and sure enough... it was an Earthquake! Friends from Maryland, Virginia, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York and I forget where else were all talking about it. They all felt the tremor too! Apparently after further investigation we just felt the aftershocks of the Earthquake. The Earthquake actually hit Virginia. It was just pure craziness!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

30 Weeks...

From about now until you deliver, your babies' growth will be slower than if you were carrying a single baby as they are quickly running out of room to grow! Your babies each weigh around 3 pounds and are about 16 inches from head to heel. An ultrasound image may show your babies holding hands or sucking their thumbs, and you may also notice that your babies don't move at all during your Braxton Hicks contractions. This is because your muscles tighten and constrict their movement. By now your babies are probably more used to Braxton Hicks than you are!

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30 weeks

*Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
*Her head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. Don't forget to continue to "teach" your baby in the womb by exposing to music, literature, and simply talking to her.
*A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her. As she grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
*She spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. Her eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. She may even reach out to touch the light.
*Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
*Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
*Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
*Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
*By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

29 Weeks...

Your babies are each about 15.5 inches from head to heel and weigh about 2.7 pounds. They continue to be active and grow; however, you are probably feeling fewer kicks and punches. This is because even though your babies are getting larger and stronger, they also have less space in which to gain momentum for these movements.

Your babies' blood is now being produced from the stem cells in their bone marrow. Many expectant parents choose to collect and freeze their babies' umbilical cord blood after they are born and the cords are cut. This usually-discarded blood contains stem cells, which may be invaluable in case the family needs them in the future. Some scientists believe that in the future we will all be treated with our own stem cells to cure conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.

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*Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. She appears more like a newborn each and every day!
*Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
*Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
*Her eyes can move in their sockets. Soon she will be able to follow a blinking light.
*Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! *Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage.
*She is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, she will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if she is performing somersaults for a circus act!
*Her length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm).

Friday, August 05, 2011

5 Things...

There are 5 things in life you cannot recover: A stone... after it's thrown. A word... after it is said. An occasion... after it's missed. The time... after it's gone. A person... after they die. Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile, Enjoy Life...

Thursday, August 04, 2011


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

28 Weeks...

Hello Third Trimester!!!

Your babies each weigh approximately 2.4 pounds and are a little under 15 inches from head to heel. They have been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as their stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, your babies' weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat.

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*Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
*Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
*Eyes are completely formed now. Quite a view from inside!
*Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
*Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb!
*Lungs are capable of breathing now(but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
*Talk to your baby often, reading stories, singing songs and more. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
*Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).

Monday, August 01, 2011

5th Doctors Appointment...

Today was my monthly appointment with Dr. D to check on the babies and have my Glucose test done. I swear that orange stuff they make you drink is terrible! I drank it and felt like I was going to vomit for the next 3 hours. So I showed up at my appointment and they had me drink the stuff right away so then I could sit for the hour before they did my blood work. At one point the receptionist looked at me and asked if I was ok. I was probably looking a lil green around the gills. lol. I told her yeah, the stuff they make you drink just didn't agree with me. So then I waited until they called me into the back to see Dr. D. The nurse weighed me and I gained 4 more pounds but they said it's ok because it's like a pound a week and I didn't gain any weight in the beginning. They took my blood pressure and that was good, which was surprising because I feel like I've been under so much stress lately.

Dr. D came in and asked how I was feeling and stuff. I told her I was feeling good, just the normal being tired and uncomfortable. She said with each pregnancy it gets more and more uncomfortable. Especially since I've had 5 babies in 5 years. She seemed concerned that it's putting alot of stress on my body. I just have to make it like another 10 or 11 weeks and I'll be good and the babies will be here. Not like I'm even remotely ready for them, I seriously need to get my stuff together over here. Dr. D found both heartbeats pretty quickly and they were both great! She told me that if there were any concerns or problems with my glucose test that they will call me by next Friday and other than that they will see me in two more weeks. These lil baby girls will be here before we know it!