A long overdue update...
So much has been going on and Aiden is getting so big! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. He's already 7 1/2 months old. Everyday with his is like a new adventure! Back in February there were a lot of firsts. He started standing up with our help and also trying to pulling himself up. He is becoming a champ at doing tummy time and will actually stay on his tummy for longer periods of times. He used to just roll over to his back as soon as you would put him on his belly. He hated tummy time! He also got his 3rd and 4th teeth. He's been eating all sorts of new baby foods. He LOVES carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apple sauce, bananas, and peaches. He absolutely HATES peas and green beans! He gags and cries, no matter how many times I try to sneak them in he just won't eat them. He's also had pears and enjoys them, but I think he is allergic to them. He seems to get pimply and a little rashy after eating them. He also tried some real banana and really enjoyed that as well as a couple of little bites of his daddy's apple.
Aiden went to the Dr's for his 6 month check-up on February 20th and did really well. He had 3 more vaccinations and was in the 75th percentile for his height and weight. He weighed 19 pounds, 3 ounces and was 27 1/2 inches long. We talked to the doctor about him still sleeping in bed with us, how he always wants to be held, and the crying. He said they are all behavioral problems and a matter of us "re-training" him. Other than that he is a healthy baby and doing awesome! He wants us to start letting him drink out of a sippy cup with no lid so that he can start learning to sip and drink so he isn't taking a bottle after he's a year old. Aiden is breastfed as well as formula feed. I just never seemed to have enough milk for him, so we have to supplement a little with formula. It's ok though because he doesn't eat that much formula now that he is eating cereal and the other baby foods and fruits.
He's also getting really good with using his hands and fingers. I think he might be a lefty as he uses his left hand a lot more than his right. He sits up by himself now for pretty long periods of time. One of us just has to sit right next to him to catch him if he falls. Sometimes I guess he loses his balance and will just topple over. It's funny but sometimes he gets upset. Aiden has his favorite toys now like the little drum that his Aunt Suzi bought him or the animal train that his Aunt Sandy bought him. He loves playing in his activity center when daddy is around but when mommy is around the time is very limited. He would rather me just hold him so he can stand next to it and play.
March has been another exciting month. He has learned to hold his own spoon and has even tried feeding himself. He actually did a pretty good job of it. A little messy but good. He talks up a storm now and granted it is a lot of baby gibberish but it's still talking. He has also said Dada. John keeps trying to make me feel better by saying that he is just gibbering and he didn't say Dada but I know he did. It was really clear. The other night Aiden was up for the longest time and I just couldn't get him to go back to sleep, so I woke Johh up and asked him to watch Aiden while I went to make him a bottle. I got out of bed and went to go into the bathroom. As I got out of bed Aiden turned around and was like "Dada" almost as if he wanted to make sure he wasn't left alone. So yeah, I'm pretty sure his first word was Dada. He also says uh-oh when he drops something, hey when someone walks in the room, and I think I've also heard a hiya. No mamma's though! So I guess I'm going to have to start watching my language now or else his next word might not be a nice one. haha. He also sits up really good by himself now today he even turned to me and gave me a kiss! Today we went to lunch with Grandma Kathy and he had a hard roll to chew on, drank some water out of my glass, and had a bite of pickle. John was expecting to see a sourpuss but he didn't have one, he LOVED it!!! Oh, and he loves chocolate chip cookies too. He also has his 5th and 6th teeth coming in on the top. His right one (the 5th tooth) is really poking out and the left one (the 6th tooth) is just poking out a little. He also tries to walk if you help hold him up or hold his hands. He does a pretty good job of that too! I think he's going to skip crawling and go right to walking. He gets really bored easily and I think I'm going to be in big trouble once he starts getting around on his own. He is so curious and loves to gets into EVERYTHING!!!! Aiden is really into looking at mine and John's tattoos. It's probably because of all of the bright colors but it's awesome that he's so mezmorized by them.
I added a bunch of pictures to Aiden's gallery and here’s one of his 6 month pictures for your viewing pleasure.