Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Finally an update...
It seems like it has been forever since I’ve written an update. Actually, I know it has. Things are going great. Aiden is doing awesome and getting so big! It seems as if his belly problems may have fixed itself. He was scheduled for surgery a couple of weeks ago to have a biopsy done but I called the day before and talked to the doctor and we postponed it. I was so happy that he agreed with me about it. I just didn’t want to put Aiden through it if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. He doesn’t seem to be having any more problems, so hopefully it will keep up.
Aiden is so awesome and I love him so much. He is my entire universe! I love spending time with him and watching him grow and discover new things. He has the most awesome personality and absolutely the most beautiful smile. He loves to talk. I know it’s just baby jibberish but it is still awesome. He and I can sit there and talk to one another forever. Oh, and he LOVES to laugh! Every morning when he wakes up I said good morning sunshine and give him a big kiss. He gets the biggest smile on his face. He is so aware of everything around him especially people that he sees a lot of. Don’t get me wrong, he still has his “moments” and cries his heart out when he isn’t happy, not feeling well, or whatever but I am getting use to it now. I just love him and kiss him up until I can get him to stop. That is of course after I do the most important checks… Diaper clean? and Is he hungry? Haha. Everyday is like a new adventure for us. He has some favorite things already, he loves Winnie the Pooh, he loves when Jersey (my german sheppard) gives him kisses. The other day we were sitting on the couch and she was sitting next to us and Aiden reached down and was petting her. Well, it was more like just sitting there rubbing his knuckles on her but we’ll call it a pet. He is only a little over two months old. John and Aiden sit and watch cartoons together and also action movies. Aiden loves spending time with his daddy. I think his favorite movie is The Incredibles. I feel like there is so much more to write but I can’t think of the words. I really should update more often so I don’t feel like I have so much to catch everyone up on. Anyway, I’m going to go get back to my lil man. I miss him. I added a bunch of pictures to his gallery and here’s a recent one for your viewing pleasure. He’s just so awesome and lovable, I love being his mommy.
Aiden is so awesome and I love him so much. He is my entire universe! I love spending time with him and watching him grow and discover new things. He has the most awesome personality and absolutely the most beautiful smile. He loves to talk. I know it’s just baby jibberish but it is still awesome. He and I can sit there and talk to one another forever. Oh, and he LOVES to laugh! Every morning when he wakes up I said good morning sunshine and give him a big kiss. He gets the biggest smile on his face. He is so aware of everything around him especially people that he sees a lot of. Don’t get me wrong, he still has his “moments” and cries his heart out when he isn’t happy, not feeling well, or whatever but I am getting use to it now. I just love him and kiss him up until I can get him to stop. That is of course after I do the most important checks… Diaper clean? and Is he hungry? Haha. Everyday is like a new adventure for us. He has some favorite things already, he loves Winnie the Pooh, he loves when Jersey (my german sheppard) gives him kisses. The other day we were sitting on the couch and she was sitting next to us and Aiden reached down and was petting her. Well, it was more like just sitting there rubbing his knuckles on her but we’ll call it a pet. He is only a little over two months old. John and Aiden sit and watch cartoons together and also action movies. Aiden loves spending time with his daddy. I think his favorite movie is The Incredibles. I feel like there is so much more to write but I can’t think of the words. I really should update more often so I don’t feel like I have so much to catch everyone up on. Anyway, I’m going to go get back to my lil man. I miss him. I added a bunch of pictures to his gallery and here’s a recent one for your viewing pleasure. He’s just so awesome and lovable, I love being his mommy.

Friday, October 13, 2006
Daddy's Heart...
When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do.
I opened up my heart so wide,
For you to have a place inside.
As each day passed, I’d think of you,
I’d watch you grow, I was expecting too.
I tried to imagine the person you’d be,
Would you look or act like me?
I thought of the things that we would do,
The times we’d share, just us two.
I would hold your hand in mine,
Be your protector, strong yet kind.
I would be your hero and friend,
Give love and advice on which you’d depend.
I will always remember the day you were born,
I cradled a miracle, small and warm.
What words I had were scarce and few,
A tear and a smile were the best I could do.
Life gave me a moment, precious and rare,
Bursting with pride, excitement and care.
I promised you then, all that I had,
See, you were my child and I was your Dad.
When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do,
I opened up my heart so wide,
Where you will always have a place inside.
When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do.
I opened up my heart so wide,
For you to have a place inside.
As each day passed, I’d think of you,
I’d watch you grow, I was expecting too.
I tried to imagine the person you’d be,
Would you look or act like me?
I thought of the things that we would do,
The times we’d share, just us two.
I would hold your hand in mine,
Be your protector, strong yet kind.
I would be your hero and friend,
Give love and advice on which you’d depend.
I will always remember the day you were born,
I cradled a miracle, small and warm.
What words I had were scarce and few,
A tear and a smile were the best I could do.
Life gave me a moment, precious and rare,
Bursting with pride, excitement and care.
I promised you then, all that I had,
See, you were my child and I was your Dad.
When I heard the news of you,
I did the things most Daddies do,
I opened up my heart so wide,
Where you will always have a place inside.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Mother's Heart...
Mother's Heart
I loved you from the very start, You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun, You're part of me my little one.
As mother with child, each day I grew, My mind was filled with thoughts of you.
I'd daydream of the things we'd share, Like late-night bottles and teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees, Like bedtime stories and ABCs.
I thought of things you'd want to know, Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I thought of lessons I'd need to share, Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first saw your precious face, I prayed your life be touched with grace.
I thanked the angels from above, And promised you unending love.
Each night I lay you down to sleep, I gently kiss your head and cheek. I count your little fingers and toes, I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door, Awed each day I love you more. Through misty eyes, I dim the light, I whisper "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start, You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journey's begun, My heart's yours forever little one.