Today we went for our 3rd Ultrasound & anatomy scan!!! You know the “big” one that we’ve all been waiting for! I have to say that the little munchkins weren't very cooperative when we first got there. The babies kept jumping into each other’s space so ultrasound tech was having a hard time getting what he needed. The upper baby was posing all over the place after a while. We found out right away what it was. The technician got all of his measurements and everything he needed and then he moved onto the second baby. The lower baby was just all over the place and wouldn’t sit still long enough or was posing in crazy positions. After two hours of trying we found out what the sex of the second baby was and he got mostly everything he needed. We have to go back in 2 weeks so he can try to get better pictures of the lower baby’s heart. Everything was fine with the heart rate and everything; he just couldn’t get a good picture of it because the other baby kept jumping in the way. So we’ll get to see them again in 2 more weeks!!
The babies were waving their hands, kicking their feet and bouncing all around. They are such cutie pies with the cutest little feet and hands. It is just amazing!!! The lil peanuts were doing kickboxing moves all over the place. It was awesome & crazy. They are both so active! I could feel them moving and fluttering all over the place. We got a couple of pretty good pictures to bring home. So we are stoked because we got to see the lil munchkins and they are both doing great so that's what matters. The ultrasound took forever today and we were there for over 2 hours. Both babies got a good bill of health and are doing awesome! He said they are right where they should be and they both weigh about 10 ounces and 12 ounces. They both have nice strong heartbeats and are doing great. John and I are really happy and excited!!!
When the specialist came in to talk to us he was asking us a bunch of questions about the kids, my pregnancies and deliveries. Once we told him about my other pregnancies he said he isn’t worried about any problems or complications at all. I know how to make a baby. Lol. He did say that the odds of having spontaneous twins back to back was 1 in 8000 and having them back to back to back (because of the twin miscarriage I had in 2009) was 1 in 730,000. He was joking and told us he wanted us to buy his lottery tickets for him and I just laughed and said “yeah, we buy lottery tickets all the time and don’t win!” lol. We’re just blessed in the baby department I guess.
Anyway, I guess you would like to know what they are huh??? They are both baby GIRLS again!!!! I seriously thought it was a boy and a girl but I was wrong AGAIN… it's two girls! So now it’s time to start picking out names. We have a couple of names in mind but we’re still working on it.
It was funny because when we found out it was 2 more girls I felt bad because Aiden really wanted one of them to be a boy. So I looked over at John and was like "we'll just have to have one more and hope for a boy for Aiden to have a brother" John looked at me and was like "No, the shop is closed!! If you want to outsource another pregnancy from someone else it's fine but he better have the money to take care of the baby." "He said that he would be happy to raise someone elses child but he isn't paying for it." The ultrasound tech was peeing his pants laughing! I bet he never heard a conversation like that during an ultrasound before! lol.
We totally have everything we’re going to need because we already have a set of twin girls and kept everything!!! John and I are really happy, we just wanted everything to be ok and for them to be healthy. Right now everything is looking great!
This works awesome because now all of the girls will have an awesome big brother to take care of them and protect them. I know Aiden will be an awesome big brother, he already is. I think he is going to be a little disappointed because he really wanted a sister and a brother but I'm sure he will be OK. I feel a little bad about it because he is going to be the only boy.
We’re keeping the sexes of the babies a secret this time and we’re going to have a little family luncheon at our house on Sunday to tell everyone the news. It will be fun! It just sucks because we have to wait like a week before we can tell anyone. Everyone keeps asking me what the sexes are so I just keep fibbing and telling them that the ultrasound isn’t until next Monday so we can get through the party on Sunday. I know, I’m a brat. lol
Here are some of the pictures from today's ultrasound. The first two are of upper left baby and the second two are of the lower right baby. Enjoy!!!