Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blessed Be...

Thanks to those who hated me, You made me a stronger person
To those who loved me, You made my heart grow fonder
To those who envied me, You made my self-esteem grow stronger
To those who cared, You made me feel important
To those who entered my life, You made me who I am today
To those who left, You showed me that nothing lasts forever

Special Thanks to those who stayed, You showed me the true meaning of Love & Friendship... ♥

Thursday, July 28, 2011

5th Ultrasound,,,,

Today we went for our follow-up ultrasound to check on the babies growth.

Both babies are doing great and had perfect heartbeats! Baby A was weighing about 2 lbs. 1 oz and Baby B was about 2 lbs. 4 oz so they are getting back to about the same size. The doctor said that they are weighing about the size of a singleton baby so we're doing good and he was happy! So as long as we keep going like this and these lil babies keep on baking in the oven it looks like I'll have two good size babies again :)

Keep Shining...

Sometimes we are drown in thinking too much in work, in mortage, kids school,money or whatever worries we have in a normal day, that we don´t make time for ourselves, time to breath, time to rest our Souls, time to connect ourselves with our own light, to add some positive thoughts to ourselves. It is time to give yourself a rest, pamper yourself with a bath, or lay down in the garden and look the sky or burn some lavender oil or inscense to relax yourself or do a meditation. Our Soul sometimes screams for help, for some peace inside of all the chaos. Give yourself today a time to reflect in how important and precious you are and give yourself a big hug for accomplish many things in your life. You have make it through to today with ups and downs, Because of this, You have to appreciate yourself. Let yourself be in peace for a moment, tonight or today whatever is is in your country.

Appreciate the beautiful You. Be thankful to yourself. Sometimes We clap and appreciate how beautiful other people are. Now, it is time To clap yourself, hug yourself and Say to yourself I am unique, I am strong, I have gorgeous soul, I am loving, I am caring and I am alive. I am LOVE. Blessings and sparkling light to All your Beautiful souls! Keep Shining!
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

27 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh approximately 2 pounds and measure nearly 14.5 inches from head to heel. Their facial features are almost fully developed and synchronizing enough that they may make faces that are visible on an ultrasound. Their skin is becoming thicker and fleshier and increasingly wrinkled, thanks to the amniotic fluid. Their skin will remain wrinkled for the first month or so after birth - just think about how your hands or feet look after you have been in the water for just 30 minutes! During this week, their brains continue their rapid development, and their lungs continue to mature.

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*Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth. Don't forget to share music, conversation, and even books with your baby!
*Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. Your baby's hearing continues to develop, he or she may start to recognize your voice as well as your partner's.
*Lungs continue to grow and prepare for functioning outside of the womb. Each day in the womb greatly increases survival rates!
*She also continues to take small breaths and although she's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when she's born.
*Eyelids are now open more. Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.
*Retinas have formed.
*Your baby will grow over 1/2 inch this week alone! You may suspect this phenominal growth rate repeats in the preteen years!
*Average size is now 14.4 inches (36.6cm) and 1.9 pound (875gm).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

26 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh almost 2 pounds, measure around 14 inches from head to heel, and hear noises, respond to light, and are generally more aware of their surroundings. In the same way that you can see a flashlight if you hold it against your palm, your babies can see the light coming through your belly. You may notice increased activity when in brighter light and decreased activity in darkened rooms. Their hearing is fully developed, and as they react to sounds, their pulse increases. Your babies may even move in rhythm to music!

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*Your baby may weigh about two pounds now (average is 1.7 pound, 760gm) and is 14 inches (35.6cm) in length.
*To support the fetus's growing body, the spine is getting stronger and more supple. Though no longer than the span of the average adult hand, it is now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings, and some 1,000 ligaments.
*Air sacs in the lungs form now.
*Lungs begin to secrete a greasy substance called surfactant. Without surfactant the fetal lungs would stick together and couldn't expand after the baby is born.
*Although they've been sealed shut for the last few months, your baby's eyes are opening and beginning to blink this week. Depending on ethnicity, some babies will be born with blue or gray-blue eyes (which may change color in the first 6 months of life) and some will be born with brown or dark eyes.
*Retinas begin to form.
*Brain wave activity for hearing and sight begins to be detectable.
*Fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn her head, which according to researchers, means her optic nerve is working.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

25 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh about 1.5 pounds and measure 13.5 inches from head to heel. They are becoming stronger as their stem cells continue to develop into bone tissue, and their bones become solid through a process called ossification. They are gaining more fat to help them regulate their body temperature after birth (and give them those adorable baby rolls) and pigment is developing in their skin.

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*The structures of the spine begin to form -- joints, ligaments and rings. These will protect the all important spinal cord which serves as the information transmitter for your child's body.
*Blood vessels of the lungs develop.
*Your baby's nostrils begin to open. There is a study out of Belfast that suggests babies at this stage have the capability of scent preferences!
*The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. When baby is rooting for food later on, these will be valuable!
*Her swallowing reflexes are developing.
*Dexterity is improving. Your baby can make a fist and would clasp objects placed in palm.
*Your child has now obtained an approximate length of 13.6 inches (34.6cm) and weighs 1.46 pound (660gm).

Thursday, July 07, 2011

4th Doctors Appointment & 4th Ultrasound...

So today was a busy day with doctors appointments. First I had a doctors appointment and everything went really well there. I gained 6 lbs. in the past month which is pretty depressing but I guess the babies are playing catch-up since I have only gained 3 lbs. so far. John keeps telling me not to worry about it that I'll just take care of it once they are born but you know of course I still do. I saw a new doctor today that I haven't seen yet and she was really nice. She couldn't believe that I'm pregnant with my second set of twins and I'm going to have 5 babies 5 and under. lol. So we talked for a little bit about everything that's going on and how I've been feeling. I really need to stop getting so stressed out. It's just so hard! She found Baby A's heartbeat right away but it took her a while to find Baby B's heartbeat. Baby A's heartbeat was down low so she said she thought she was head down but Baby B's heartbeat was high up by my ribs so she thought she was breech. Both heart beats were in the 150's which was good and everything is going great! I go back in 4 more weeks and then they'll be doing the glucose screening test. Yuck! lol.

Then I met up with John and we were off for the ultrasound. We were just sitting in the waiting room talking about life. We don't get to do that much without interruptions. haha. They called us back ad the Ultrasound tech got right to work. Both babies were very cooperative today. I honestly think that it's because in the past I've eaten something sugary before going to make sure the babies were active and maybe they just got a little too active! lol. So yesterday I didn't eat anything sweet all day and i think it really made a difference. The Ultrasound tech was really nice and good at her job. She was quick and got everything they needed and all of the pictures and measurements that they missed before. Baby A was head down and weighing in at 1 lb. 6 oz. with a heartbeat of 157. Baby B was laying more sideways and weighing in at 1 lb. 12 oz with a heartbeat of 154. So both babies are doing well and were jumping around like a bunch of mexican jumping beans. haha. After the girl was done doing our ultrasound we had to sit and wait to talk to the doctor. He was explaining all sorts of crazy stuff, I was just looking at him all confused and then looked at John and said "do you understand what he is saying?" John said "yes" I said "should I worry?" he said "no, everything is fine" so I'll go with that. They want us to come back in 3 weeks to have the size of the babies checked again. Baby B had a big growth spurt and her weight jumped up alot compared to Baby A. They've pretty much been neck and neck up to this point but today Baby B was measuring 6 oz. bigger than Baby A. I'm sure everything is fine. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, he just wants to keep an eye on it. So that's what we're doing and it will be cool because we'll get to see them again in another couple of weeks.

So today was a good day and both babies are doing really well. So we are happy campers :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

24 Weeks...

Around 24 weeks, your babies enter the stage of viability. This means that if they were born today, there is a 90 percent chance they would survive with medical intervention. This will no doubt cause you to breathe at least a little sigh of relief. Your babies each weigh about 1.2 pounds and are a little less than 12 inches from head to heel. Their lungs have started secreting surfactant, the substance that keeps the moist, interior surface of the lungs from sticking together; and they are practicing breathing. Now that their eyelids are unfused, you may see them opening and closing their eyes on an ultrasound. They are watching for light and their ears are listening to your heart beat and your stomach growl.

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*Bring on the bulk! Baby gains about 6 ounces this week. The weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs.
*Her body begins to fill out with her appearance increasingly becoming more like a newborn.
*Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his distaste.
*Little creases have appeared on her palms. The muscular coordination of her hands has improved as she sucks her thumb.
*Over the next seven days the sweat glands will be forming in the skin.
*Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
*This week your baby is officially considered viable.
*Baby weighs 1.3 pound (600gm) and is 11.8 inches (30cm) long -- almost the length of a ruler!