Tuesday, May 27, 2008

13 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh about 1/2 ounce and are between 2.5 and 3 inches in length. Their digestive tracts continue to develop as tiny villi (hairs) form inside their intestines to aid the digestion of food, and their pancreases have begun producing insulin. All 20 teeth buds have formed inside each of their mouths; but, of course, the teeth aren't visible yet. (That would make predicting orthodontist bills way too easy!)


*Your infant is about 2.91 inches (7.4cm) and weighs around 0.81 ounce (23gm) - This is about the same weight as 4 quarters.
*If you could peek in again you may spot your baby as he begins to practice inhaling and exhaling movements
*Eyes and ears continue to move and develop
*Baby's neck is getting longer, and the chin no longer is resting on his chest
*Her hands are becoming more functional - Your baby may find it comforting to start playing with her fist.
*At this point all nourishment is received from the placenta
*On your next doctor visit you should be able to hear heartbeat with a Doppler by now - (Don't worry though if you can't, the heartbeat can be confirmed through U/S). Your baby's heartbeat is much rapider than your own and may remind you of the race towards birth that he is running!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh baby...

Well, on March 25th I was due to have a visit from Aunt Flow and let’s just say she never showed up! It was crazy because I had a dream the night before that I took a pregnancy test and it was positive and I was pregnant. I told John when we woke up and he was like oh wow! So we waited a week and I kept swearing she would make her appearance and needless to say she didn’t. So I took a test on March 28th and left the bathroom. Sure enough I walked back into the bathroom a few minutes later and John had a grin from ear to ear on his face and I knew right away it was positive. So for those of you that haven’t heard yet (which is pretty much everyone)… I’m pregnant again!

I already went to the doctor’s for our first appointment on May 7th and everything is going great. She heard the heartbeat even though it was really faint. She told us if she couldn’t hear anything not to worry because it was still kind of early. John and I didn’t really hear it as Aiden was screaming and crying. I think he thought that she was hurting me or something. Needless to say we won’t make that mistake again and take him to my doctor’s appointments anymore, we will have to get a sitter. So I am due on December 2nd and I’m about 12 weeks pregnant. We’ve pretty much only told our immediate family and a couple of very close friends. We still haven’t told my dad, my grandmom, and John’s sister. We’re supposed to go over to my dad’s house Thursday night to tell him and I’m just stressed about it. He apparently has a problem with the fact that John and I aren’t married. I will say the same thing that I have always said… I’m not going to run and get married just because people feel that we should be. John and I have both been married before and obviously both marriages ended in divorce. So to me it’s like what is marriage other than a piece of paper that you can get out of if you feel like it. Again, these are MY feelings and I know a lot of people don’t agree with me but I don’t care. We don’t need a piece of paper sitting in some state’s office to tell each other how we feel about one another. We know! When and if John and I decide we want to get married… we will and that’s that! So we will see how it all goes.

As far as the pregnancy… the few people that have been told about it already are really happy and excited for us. Me on the other hand is happy yet a little scared. I’m worried that Aiden might be too young still to have a younger sibling. He’s a lil momma’s boy and LOVES all of my attention, all of the time. I don’t know how well he’ll fair with having to share my time and attention with someone else. So I feel almost as if one of them is going to me slighted. I don’t know it’s probably just me obsessing about nothing like I always do. Everything will work out… I’m sure. At least that’s what people keep telling me.

This pregnancy has been much different than my last one. I feel terribly sick all the time (much worse than last time) and I’m exhausted! Having to chase after Aiden all the time doesn’t really make things any easier for me. He has to be watched 24/7 because he’s at that age that he’s in to everything! He is always testing his boundaries and loves to try his own stunts (literally). His latest is standing on the couch and trying to jump off of it and running around with his eyes closed. He’s just a crazy lil boy. Haha. Anyway, I gotta go and get back to my boy… he’s calling.



Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home…

Well, today John and I made settlement on our new house! Yesterday was stressful trying to get everything in order last minute but today went really smooth. We had to be there for our walk-through at 9:30 this morning and got done really fast. Aiden was running around loving the new house and really excited! We got done the walk-through a little early and just hung out waiting for it to be 11:00am for the settlement. Aiden was getting a little rammy so we took a drive to WaWa to get him some snacks. We went back for the settlement and we were done within like 45 mintues. Aiden sat really good during the settlement and just ate his snacks. He was such a good lil boy! Needless to say that it freakin poured rain all day so moving sucked! I actually didn’t have to move anything, I was in charge of staying home with Aiden but I still felt bad for John and everyone else that was helping us. It figured that once they were done moving the stuff into the house that the rain stopped completely. Haha. It was an exciting day and we now own our own home! Things have been crazy busy and it's one of the reasons I've been MIA lately. Hopefully once we're all moved into the new house things will settle down at least a little bit!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Aiden’s First Haircut….

Today we went to visit our friend Dawn so that she could give Aiden a well needed haircut. It was his first one ever! He had like little old man hair in the back. It was so cute but annoying. So we scheduled a visit with Dawn so she could cut all of our hairs. We left it up to Dawn since she’s the professional and everything and she said Aiden should be the first victim so to say. Haha. So John was in charge of sitting in the chair with him and I was in charge of trying to calm him down and take pictures. Lets just say that he was NOT a happy camper. He cried and cried. You would have thought that we were ripping his toenails out one by one. It was terrible… I felt terrible. Then about half way through I forget if it was John or Dawn but one of them said, why don’t you give him a lollipop? So I grabbed a little dumb dumb pop out of the jar and opened it up for him. He loved it! He never had a lollipop before but it seemed to make it all better. As long as he had his lollipop, Dawn didn’t talk and she kept cutting he was fine. Of course he was fine once she was done and he probably honestly didn’t even remember it. So he looks adorable with his hair all nicely trimmed. I have a bunch of pictures that I’ll post later.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's been way too long...

Well, It’s been forever since I’ve had time to update this thing! Life has been crazy busy and Aiden is at that age that he is into everything!!!! I can’t turn my back for a second. So much stuff has been going on in our lives I don’t even know where to start. Haha. I guess one of the most important things is Aiden so I’ll start there. He’s so awesome and I’m not just saying that because I’m his mommy. He truly is. He makes my days complete and every day is like a new adventure with him. Sometimes it gets a little frustrating because I’m not really sure what he wants and he gets mad if he’s trying to tell me and I just don’t get it. He loves playing outside, going on walks, playing with the dogs, reading all different kinds of books and magazines, and there is so much more. We went to visit some of John’s family in Florida and we took him to the beach, he absolutely LOVED it! Well, not so much the water but he loved running and playing in the sand. Of course I took a ton of pictures and I’ll post them later. He still loves all kinds of music and would seriously sit there and listen to it for hours if he had the chance to. He just turned 20 months old yesterday, time is flying by so quickly. I can’t believe that he’ll be two in like 4 months.

John and I also bought a townhouse and we make settlement the middle of May. So that’s exciting but yet scary at the same time. I’m a creature of habit and don’t like change that much. Even though it’s a change for the better and a move that must be made, I get a little freaked out about it. Anyway, It’s new construction and it’s gorgeous. It’s nice and it will serve its purpose for now until we can get something else. I’m figuring that we’ll probably be there for about 5 years tops. So we’ll see what happens. I’m so not looking forward to moving. I hate moving!!! Haha. There is more to tell but I think I’ll keep quiet about it for the time being. I said 2008 was going to be a year of changes with lots of new and exciting things going on and boy was I right!!!
