Ok, where do I start.... today we went for our first ultrasound for this pregnancy. We patiently waited our turn to be called into the back. I had to drink like 32 oz. of water so that I had a full bladder. For some reason every time I drink water it makes me want to vomit! So I was sitting there waiting and all of the sudden I felt like I was going to puke! i started coughing a little bit trying to hold it back and all of the sudden I burped and threw up a bit in my mouth. John just looked at me with this serious look and was like "are you serious?????" I seriously wanted to punch him out, as if I was doing it on purpose and I wanted to puke in the middle of the waiting room! lol.
So the ultrasound tech came out and called my name. John and I got up to go into the back and she looked at John and was like, "did you want to come back too???" Duh, like she had to ask. So we both replied of course! So she explained she was going to take me back first and then she would come back to get John. She took John back to a waiting room in the back so he could wait for his turn to come in and she took me into the exam room. The ultrasound tech asked me a bunch of questions about my pregnancies and kids and got started. I laid down on the table and she jelled up my belly to get started. I of course turned to the monitor so that I could see what was going on and she literally turned the monitor so I couldn't see! I was so pissed! lol. So after she checked out a few things and possibly asked me a couple of questions, I actually don't remember because I was so anxious waiting to hear that everything was ok. She looked at me and asked, "are you ready???" I was like of course! Is everything ok??? She told me I was pregnant with Twins!!! I had this overwhelming rush of emotions all of the sudden so I just can't even explain it. I am obviously very blessed but at the same time feeling quite overwhelmed. I have Aiden who is about 4 1/2, Raelene & Violet which are almost 2 1/2 and come October we're going to have 2 more newborn babies in the house. I'm excited, scared, happy, blessed, nervous, like I said just a huge rush of emotions! The ultrasound tech continued to take all of her measurements for both babies and then asked me if I was ready for John to come back. I told her yes but that she might want to have the smelling salts ready for him. I thought he might need them. She asked if I wanted to tell him or if I wanted her to tell him. I of course told her to tell him the great news.
She left the room and came back with John. He had this scared look on his face when he came back into the room and asked if everything was ok? I told him it was and he said oh ok, I was just wondering what was taking so long. So she asked him if he was ready and of course he was way past ready. So she put the Doppler thingy on my belly and was like well here is a baby right here and here is a second baby right here... it's Twins! John just looked at her and was like OMG are you serious?? As he laughed in a nervous giggle. He leaned over and held my hand and gave me a kiss. I'm sure he is happy and just as overwhelmed feeling but I know we will make it work. Both babies had a good healthy heartbeat. Baby "A" was 177 and Baby "B" was 175. They are in two separate sacs, so they are fraternal twins again. Baby "A" is measuring 12 weeks 3 days and Baby "B" is measuring 12 weeks 2 days. So she said I am due about October 25th, 2011. Both babies were jumping all over and very active. The US tech said that Baby "B" was very cooperative and was actually posing for her. haha. At one point after John had come into the room and we were watching them on the monitor one of them reached their hand up almost like a wave saying hey, here i am or a high five. it was awesome and totally rocked!!!
So there you have it... lightning can strike the same place twice because as of October I will be the mommy to a Singleton and two sets of twins! I am truly Blessed...