Friday, September 30, 2011


If you've had a hard day, a difficult week and/or are currently going through any hardships... before you go to bed tonight, please keep in mind that being defeated is often a temporary condition and giving up is what makes it permanent. Your mind is much stronger than you may be giving yourself credit for and you *will* overcome all those nasty obstacles.
Goodnight mes amis. ♥ —

Thursday, September 29, 2011

3-D Ultrasound...

Tonight we took a trip to Bundle of Joy to have a 3-D ultrasound done and to see our beautiful lil baby girls. At first they were'nt cooperating very much but the ultrasound tech was really good and got some great shots. Baby A is just chillaxin there and Baby B is sitting with her feet resting on her face. haha. It was awesome and it looks as if Baby A is going to be alot like Raelene (baby a last time). She appears to have fuller cheeks and face with a lil bit of hair. Baby B looks like she's going to be alot like Violet (baby b last time) with a more defined jaw line, cheeks and more hair. I guess we'll see in a few weeks! I can't wait :)

Another NST...

Today I had another appointment for another NST. I have to say it went very well as usual and it was also uneventful. Both babies are doing awesome and were very cooperative for the NST. I was done in 20 minutes. The nurse once again said that it was perfect!

Once I got done the NST I went in for my Doppler to have all of my fluids and the blood flow checked. That also went well and everything is good. Baby A is still head down but Baby B changed position again and is now Transverse. I was hoping that they would both stay head down but Baby B moved. Hopefully she'll move back into the head down position but even if she doesn't and she stays Transverse... it's all good. I'm still having both of these babies vaginal. That's my story and that's what I'm sticking to :)

Taking Care of Baby...

Please don't wait until the doctors tell you that you are going to have a baby to begin to take care of it. It is already there. Whatever you are, whatever you do, your baby will get it. Anything you eat, any worries that are on your mind will be for him or her. Can you tell me that you cannot smile? Think of the baby, and smile for him, for her, for the future generations. Please don't tell me that a smile and your sorrow just don't go together. It's your sorrow, but what about your baby? It's not his sorrow, its not her sorrow.

--Thich Nhat Hanh--

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

May Today There Be...

May today there be peace within.

May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.

May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are.

Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your ...soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us....

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

36 Weeks...

Your babies weigh between 5.5 and 6 pounds, measure just over 17 inches in length, and are almost ready to check out of "Hotel Mom." They have moved downward into your pelvic cavity; hopefully headfirst. However, at this stage it is very common for babies to be feet first, or breech. The positioning of your babies is one factor that will determine whether you'll be able to deliver vaginally or via c-section. But if you are carrying triplets or more, a c-section is nearly guaranteed to ensure the safety of you and your babies.

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*Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply her chances to breathe on her own.
*If she hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If she's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
*Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists.
*Her skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
*Her gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see her teeth.
*She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products.
*Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g).
*Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Future...

It is said that the Present is Pregnant with the Future.

If we want to change our future.....we will need to take steps to change our now. ~ HTRYV

Never Regret....

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experiences, both are essential to life. The only job where you start at the top is digging a hole. Failure is not fatal and success is not final.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Practice for the New Millennium...

Practice for the New Millennium by the Dalai Lama

The Practice:

1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day remembering we all want the same things (to be happy and be loved) and we are all connected to one another.

2. Spend 5 minutes breathing in, cherishing yourself; and, breathing out cherishing others. If you think about people you have difficulty cherishing,extend your cherishing to them anyway.

3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet. Practice cherishing the "simplest" person (clerks, attendants, etc) or people you dislike.

4. Continue this practice no matter what happens or what anyone does to you. These thoughts are very simple, inspiring and helpful. The practice of cherishing can be taken very deeply if done wordlessly, allowing yourself to feel the love and appreciation that already exists in your heart.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

8th Doctors Appointment, An Ultrasound & A NST...

Today I had another doctors appointment, an ultrasound and a NST.

Today my doctors appointment was with nurse Becky because Dr. D and Dr. R are on vacation for the next two weeks. Lucky them! haha. It was pretty uneventful. she just asked how I was feeling and checked the babies heartbeats. Nothing exciting to report.

The NST went really well and both babies were very cooperative! They gave the nurse everything she needed. She kept going on and on about how great they were and that they were "perfect!" she also said that my report was so good that she was going to keep it. lol.

I then went in for my ultrasound to check the size of the babies and stuff. Baby A is head down and weighing about 5 lbs. 4 oz. Baby B is also head down (whoot whoot) and weighing about 5 lbs. 14 oz. I'm stoked!!! Hopefully both babies will stay head down. All of my fluids, the babies heartbeats and the blood flow were good so the doctor was really pleased.

He asked me if anyone had talked to me about dates and stuff. I told him that because of the doctors being on vacation I hadn't talked to them yet but I plan on talking to them when they get back. I told him that John and I were talking about possibly doing it on October 14th. I would be 38 1/2 weeks at that point and that's where I was when I delivered Raelene and Violet. He looked at my chart and said that he would really rather me wait until I was at least 39 weeks so he wanted me to wait until at least October 16th. I looked at him like he had six heads. I laughed and said you know that there are two babies in there... right??? We talked a little about it and I just don't see the point in waiting that two extra days. What could that two days REALLY do??? You know? So then he said whatever Dr. D says is ok that he will go with. So I'm just going to have to wait until Dr. D gets back to talk to her. So everything went really well today and both babies are doing AWESOME!!! We couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

35 Weeks...

Your babies weigh about 5 pounds each and stretch out to 17 inches and stem cells in their bone marrow continue to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to maintain a healthy immune system, but there is not really any development remaining for arms, legs, brain or organs. Your babies will simply continue to add that adorable baby fat as they ready for their big debut.

Twins are usually born within an hour of each other. The average birth weight of twins is 5 pounds, 5 ounces, but there may be a difference of two to three pounds between the twins' birth weights. And even though twins and multiples are smaller and weigh less than singleton babies at birth, studies have shown that multiples catch up to their singleton counterparts quickly and by age four, they are the same height.

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*The average baby weighs almost five and a half pounds now.
*Most babies born now will survive and without many long-term problems.
*Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help her regulate her body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!
*Her hearing is fully developed, so be sure to talk to your daughter. Do you find yourself speaking in a high-pitched tone? That's okay since some studies show babies respond better to higher pitches.
*It's getting crowded! Your baby is now taking up most of the uterus and you may even feel like your chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again (just not walk so easily! Ha!).
*Your baby is 18.2 inches (46.2cm) long and weighs 5.3 pounds (2383gm).
*The testes have completed their descent in males.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

7th Doctors Appointment...

Today I had another doctor appointment. It was scheduled with Dr. R. I got up in the morning and didn't feel well at all. I'm just exhausted at this point. I get up about every 45 minutes to an hour to pee at night. So I feel like I no sooner fall back asleep and I'm waking up to pee and switch sides again. My hips have been bothering me so bad this pregnancy.

Back to my check-up. I got the my appointment and the girl behind the desk was asking me how far along I was because Dr. R was tied up down in the surgical center so they wanted me to see the nurse practitioner. I told the girl I was 34 weeks but I wanted to see the doctor. Of course she was giving me a hard time about it and telling me that nurse becky can do EVERYTHING a doctor can do except deliver a baby and it's only important to see the doctors in your last month. My response was that I'm pregnant with twins so I only have about 4 weeks left and my appointment next week is with nurse becky since my 2 doctors will be on vacation and the following week I'm not seeing anyone because the doctors aren't there and I have an ultrasound and NST scheduled anyway. I really had some things I wanted to talk to the doctor about. She just looked at me like I had three heads and was like oh, ok well we'll talk to the nurse and see what she thinks. It's just getting so aggravating! It seems like every time I go to the doctors it's one thing or another. I love Dr. D and Dr. R but it seriously stresses me out big time every time I go there.

I sat and waited for a while and then they called me back. They took my blood pressure and it was good as always. Weighed me and I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks so I wanted to vomit! I got all upset and the nurse was like it's ok, you went over a month and didn't gain any weight. The babies are just catching up now. I understand that and all but I'm still disgusted. She told me that Dr R came up for an hour only and then had to hurry back down to the surgical center so she was going to see me. The nurse took me back into the exam room and said she would be in. When Dr R came in she asked how I was doing. I told her ok, I'm hanging in there but it's getting rough. She did my pap and my Strep B test. Got the Doppler to listen for the heartbeats and found them right away. They both had nice strong heartbeats. She measured my belly but I forgot to ask her how big I was measuring. She was very rushed, I guess because she had to try to help see as many patients as she could before she had to leave again. I asked her about my left leg. It has been swelling up really bad. Much worse than my right leg. When I was pregnant with the girls Dr D sent me for an ultrasound to check for blood clots but Dr R said it's just because of my varicose veins to just keep an eye on them and make sure they don't turn hard. If they harden to call them and let them know and they they'll check them out. I also asked her about all of the pain in my right groin and right sciatic. She said it was normal and Baby A was just sitting on something (she said a name but I forget what it is)). She told me to try to lay on m,y left side as much as possible and slightly cross my right leg over my left and maybe it would loosen her up so that she would stop sitting on whatever she is sitting on. Dr R also said once she drops down into my pelvis it will probably go away.

Before she left she asked me if anyone has talked to me about c-section vs. vaginal delivery. I just rolled my eyes and told her yes, I know all about it. I again told her my plan as to what is going to happen and I've already delivered 3 babies via vaginal delivery so I'm not about to sign up for a c-section now. She told me that because of the babies positions that even if I deliver Baby A vaginal I may still have to have a c-section for Baby B. I told her I know and I've heard it all before. Thanks for the info. LOL. She then told me that in her 23 years of delivering babies that she has only had to deliver one set of twins that way. So that sounds encouraging.

So yeah, things are going really well. I have another doctor appointment next Thursday, an ultrasound to check the sizes of the babies and an NST.

As far as me... I feel craptastic! LOL. I am just so exhausted and uncomfortable all the time. I don't remember it being this bad when I was pregnant with the girls. I feel so much bigger and my hips, groin and sciatic are killing me. As much as I'm not ready for the girls to be here and to have to tackle 2 newborn babies and 3 toddlers all at once... I am soooooo ready!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me....

Today is my birthday and I had a wonderful day hanging out with my lil munchkins. John had to work but then we had dinner with my mom and sisters. It was a nice day. I got lots of love via my Facebook family and friends. I feel very blessed & loved. Here are some of my most memorable and favorite wishes....

Hey babe just thought I would stop by again to say happy birthday! ♥ I hope you are having a good day and I can't wait to see you tonight. Happy birthday babe...I love you ♥ ** My Hubby :)

Happy birthday zombie Bitch lol ** Kimmee S.

Happy Birthday Trae! Hope that your next year is your best year! I am sure that it will be filled with much love, laughter and lots of diapers :)
xoxoxo ** Sandy H. My sister :)

happy birthday momma,love you!!just know you are a great wife ,friend but most of all mommy!! ** Kelley L.

You've made five babies in the time it takes normal women to make three. Never doubt that you're amazing. And apparently highly efficient. Happy Birthday, lady! ** Melissa S.

Happy Birthday to a great girl, mom & person!!!! Enjoy!!!! ** Dee C.

Happy Birthday beautiful! I hope you are having a great day! ** Allison N.

Happy Happy Birthday!! I can't wait to see you and your babies soon!! ** Kelly K.

Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!! ** Melissa L.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady!!! Make it epic ** Holly C.

Happy Birthday to My WONDERFUL BEST FRIEND, & someone I consider to be A SISTER. I hope that you have an INCREDIBLE DAY!!! ** Marianne P.

Happy birthday to one of my sweetest friend ever, have a great day, miss you and love you xoxo ** Lori E.

Happy Birthday sweetie...and many more..Love you ** Victor A.

Happy Birthday Traci.....
"You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely."
~ -Ogden Nash ~ ** Tom S.


Happy Birthday!! Have a fantabulous day! ♥ (take care a you and those "on the way" babies!) ** Kim Q.

Happy Birthday Traci. Hope you have a great day. Take some time off from blanketing and baking and just kick up your feet and chillax today. ** Terri T.

Happy Birthday Beautiful!!!! ** Shani D.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! May the little ones not drive you nuts and your sweetie surprise you! ** Elizabeth D.

Happy Birthday Traci ♥
Wish I could be there in person to wish you a Happy Birthday! ♥ ** Debi S.

Happy Birthday mama! Enjoy your day! ** Heather W.

Happy birthday BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL mama! ♥♥♥♥ ** Marianna C.

Happy birthday babe! We love you! Happy birthday to the best wife and mommy ever!♥♥♥ ** My Hubby again :)

Happy Birthday beautiful super mommy! Hope you, John and the kids have a wonderful day. ♥ ** Jennifer S.

Traci Have a Wonderful Happy Birthday, I always see you cooking, baking etc for your family and everyone else, I hope you get spoiled today, enjoy your day. Love Diane C.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOXXXY!!!!!!!!!! ** Megan M.

34 Weeks...

Your babies are tipping the scales at just under 5 pounds a piece and are about 17 inches from head to heel. You are now carrying more weight than a mother of a singleton at 40 weeks - no wonder you're so tired! The protective vernix coating on your babies' skin is becoming thicker, but the lanugo hair is almost gone. Although a c-section delivery is very possible, nearly half of all twins are still delivered vaginally, and your babies are getting into position (hopefully head down) for the big day. They may present in one of several combinations:

*Both babies may be head down

*The bottom twin may be head down and the upper twin may be breech, or vice versa

*Both babies may be breech

*Both babies may be sideways (transverse)

*One baby may be transverse and the other may be either breech or head down.

However, the most common presentation is the first twin is head down and the second is breech or transverse. If your babies are in the breech position, your health care provider will continue to monitor your babies' positions in the hopes that they will turn. If they don't, a c-section will most likely be recommended.

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*Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times.
*She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized!
*Antibodies from your blood are being tranferred to her. These immunities continue to build until birth. Then breastmilk will add even more protection against disease.
*Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. *If she is your first baby, she may be settling into the pelvis with her head pressing against your cervix.
*Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now. She may scratch her face even before she is born!
*Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11/01... Ten Years Later...

May God bless the USA always, the families that lost love ones who perished and for all of us who continue to remember! Moving forward in love, light and happiness. 9/11/01 forever etched in our hearts and minds.

Times of impact: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. 2819 dead from 115 different nations. 343 Fireman/paramedics, 23 NYPD, 37 Port Authority officers.


I will never forget what happened ten years ago today!

"Ten years ago marks the anniversary of the attacks that killed 2,977 people."

"Silence was spread across New York City at 8:46 a.m. -- the time when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center a decade ago."

I remember the fear like it was yesterday!

My prayers are with all the those who lost their love ones on this day and all those who came to rescue and protect America!

¤*¨¨*¤.¸¸ ...¸.¤\
\ 9/11 AMERICA \
.\¸.¤*¨¨*¤ .¸¸.¸.¤*
/ \ NEVER FORGET!!! keep the flag going. GOD BLESS AMERICA

Saturday, September 10, 2011

50 Rules for Dads of Daughters....

I was in tears as I read through this list, as I’m sure many grown daughters will be. Mothers – bookmark this list of rules and encourage your daughter’s daddy to read them, memorize them, and put them in to action. And, to all you Dads out there – be sure you pay close attention and heed these wise words.


1. Love her mom. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and a big heaping spoonful of public displays of affection. When she grows up, the odds are good she’ll fall in love with and marry someone who treats her much like you treated her mother. Good or bad, that’s just the way it is. I’d prefer good.

2. Always be there. Quality time doesn’t happen without quantity time. Hang out together for no other reason than just to be in each other’s presence. Be genuinely interested in the things that interest her. She needs her dad to be involved in her life at every stage. Don’t just sit idly by while she add years to her… add life to her years.

3. Save the day. She’ll grow up looking for a hero. It might as well be you. She’ll need you to come through for her over and over again throughout her life. Rise to the occasion. Red cape and blue tights optional.

4. Savor every moment you have together. Today she’s crawling around the house in diapers, tomorrow you’re handing her the keys to the car, and before you know it, you’re walking her down the aisle. Some day soon, hanging out with her old man won’t be the bees knees anymore. Life happens pretty fast. You better cherish it while you can.

5. Pray for her. Regularly. Passionately. Continually.

6. Buy her a glove and teach her to throw a baseball. Make her proud to throw like a girl… a girl with a wicked slider.

7. She will fight with her mother. Choose sides wisely.

8. Go ahead. Buy her those pearls.

9. Of course you look silly playing peek-a-boo. You should play anyway.

10. Enjoy the wonder of bath time.

11. There will come a day when she asks for a puppy. Don’t over think it. At least one time in her life, just say, “Yes.”

12. It’s never too early to start teaching her about money. She will still probably suck you dry as a teenager… and on her wedding day.

13. Make pancakes in the shape of her age for breakfast on her birthday. In a pinch, donuts with pink sprinkles and a candle will suffice.

14. Buy her a pair of Chucks as soon as she starts walking. She won’t always want to wear matching shoes with her old man.

15. Dance with her. Start when she’s a little girl or even when she’s a baby. Don’t wait ‘til her wedding day.

16. Take her fishing. She will probably squirm more than the worm on your hook. That’s OK.

17. Learn to say no. She may pitch a fit today, but someday you’ll both be glad you stuck to your guns.

18. Tell her she’s beautiful. Say it over and over again. Someday an animated movie or “beauty” magazine will try to convince her otherwise.

19. Teach her to change a flat. A tire without air need not be a major panic inducing event in her life. She’ll still call you crying the first time it happens.

20. Take her camping. Immerse her in the great outdoors. Watch her eyes fill with wonder the first time she sees the beauty of wide open spaces. Leave the iPod at home.

21. Let her hold the wheel. She will always remember when daddy let her drive.

22. She’s as smart as any boy. Make sure she knows that.

23. When she learns to give kisses, she will want to plant them all over your face. Encourage this practice.

24. Knowing how to eat sunflower seeds correctly will not help her get into a good college. Teach her anyway.

25. Letting her ride on your shoulders is pure magic. Do it now while you have a strong back and she’s still tiny.

26. It is in her nature to make music. It’s up to you to introduce her to the joy of socks on a wooden floor.

27. If there’s a splash park near your home, take her there often. She will be drawn to the water like a duck to a puddle.

28. She will eagerly await your return home from work in the evenings. Don’t be late.

29. If her mom enrolls her in swim lessons, make sure you get in the pool too. Don’t be intimidated if there are no other dads there. It’s their loss.

30. Never miss her birthday. In ten years she won’t remember the present you gave her. She will remember if you weren’t there.

31. Teach her to roller skate. Watch her confidence soar.

32. Let her roll around in the grass. It’s good for her soul. It’s not bad for yours either.

33. Take her swimsuit shopping. Don’t be afraid to veto some of her choices, but resist the urge to buy her full-body beach pajamas.

34. Somewhere between the time she turns three and her sixth birthday, the odds are good that she will ask you to marry her. Let her down gently.

35. She’ll probably want to crawl in bed with you after a nightmare. This is a good thing.

36. Few things in life are more comforting to a crying little girl than her father’s hand. Never forget this.

37. Introduce her to the swings at your local park. She’ll squeal for you to push her higher and faster. Her definition of “higher and faster” is probably not the same as yours. Keep that in mind.

38. When she’s a bit older, your definition of higher and faster will be a lot closer to hers. When that day comes, go ahead… give it all you’ve got.

39. Holding her upside down by the legs while she giggles and screams uncontrollably is great for your biceps. WARNING: She has no concept of muscle fatigue.

40. She might ask you to buy her a pony on her birthday. Unless you live on a farm, do not buy her a pony on her birthday. It’s OK to rent one though.

41. Take it easy on the presents for her birthday and Christmas. Instead, give her the gift of experiences you can share together.

42. Let her know she can always come home. No matter what.

43. Remember, just like a butterfly, she too will spread her wings and fly some day. Enjoy her caterpillar years.

44. Write her a handwritten letter every year on her birthday. Give them to her when she goes off to college, becomes a mother herself, or when you think she needs them most.

45. Learn to trust her. Gradually give her more freedom as she gets older. She will rise to the expectations you set for her.

46. When in doubt, trust your heart. She already does.

47. When your teenage daughter is upset, learning when to engage and when to back off will add years to YOUR life. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

48. Ice cream covers over a multitude of sins. Know her favorite flavor.

49. This day is coming soon. There’s nothing you can do to be ready for it. The sooner you accept this fact, the easier it will be.

50. Today she’s walking down the driveway to get on the school bus. Tomorrow she’s going off to college. Don’t blink.