Monday, June 30, 2008

A huge update and rambling...

I apologize for not getting to update last week. Things have been totally crazy trying to get settled into the new house and everything. I seriously can’t wait until we’re all done! Things are coming along, slow but sure.

Anyway, onto the good stuff. Last week lots of stuff happened…

Monday, I finally had to give in and start wearing my maternity clothes. My regular clothes were just getting too uncomfortable to wear. It was like one night I went to bed with not really having a bump and the next morning it was there. My belly just seemed to pop out overnight! It was crazy.

Wednesday, I officially stopped breastfeeding Aiden. It was just getting too hard to do anymore. My boobs and nipples have been killing me! I think my milk supply was really low too and he seemed to get frustrated really quickly. So now we just give him a bottle of mostly water with a little bit of apple juice in it for flavor before bed and naps. We’re going to work on getting him into his own bed and in his own room next. We bought him a really cool Lightning McQueen bed which he seems to like. We’re going to work on finishing his room this weekend and hopefully get it done. He loves the new house and is really comfortable here. That makes me happy because I was worried that he wouldn’t really like it here.

The last thing that I can think of right now is that I’ve been feeling the babies move around. It’s just been little butterflies and flutters. Although one night we were laying in bed and I was kind of laying on my side but I was twisted a little bit and one of them must not have like that very much because I got a huge kick! I was like ouch! Haha, so I had to readjust.

Aiden is so awesome and I love him so much. He’s starting to be such a little helper and he’s been doing a lot of things on his own. He brushes his teeth and washes his hands before bed every night. If you give him something and ask him to throw it away, he does. He still loves to dance! Last night John was on the phone and I was getting ready for bed with Aiden. We were brushing our teeth and everything. Then when we were done he walked out to the bedroom, shut off the TV, and went over to the bed and started patting it with two hands so that I would lift him up into bed. It was him saying ok guys it’s time for bed, let’s go. It was so awesome. He loves giving kisses and hugs. Oh, and the other day John and his friend were bringing over the washer machine and Aiden had a block laying on the steps. So I said to him, Aiden can you do mommy a favor and go get your block off of the step and bring it to mommy so that it isn’t in daddy’s way. He looked at me, looked at the steps, then ran over to the steps, climbed up like three of them and got his block and brought it back to me. It was so awesome!!!! I totally love how everyday with him is like a new adventure.

Anyway, I gotta run and get some things done and then spend some time with my favorite boy in the world. I go to the doctor’s this Wednesday for my monthly check-up. I’m interested to see what she says when she finds out I’m having twins! Next Wednesday which is July 9th, I go for my next ultrasound and hopefully the lil munchkins will be cooperative and we’ll be able to tell what the sexes are! I’m totally stoked and can’t wait. John’s dad said he thinks that it is going to be two girls. I had a dream last week and someone asked me what I thought the sexes were and I said a boy and a girl. John and I don’t really care either way, we just want the babies to be healthy. It would be much cheaper for us if at least one of them was a boy because we still have everything from Aiden. So we wouldn’t have to buy any clothes or anything because Aiden had so many clothes it was crazy! If it was two girls then we already have the names picked out and there would be no arguments over it. If it’s one or two boys I’m totally stumped and have no idea what names we would use. I had a terrible time trying to think of Aiden’s name. I love his name but it took me forever to come up with it. haha. Oh well, I guess we’ll see what happens next week.

Things are going good. Just busy as usual and time is flying by so quickly! I’m feeling much better, I’ve just been really tired lately and I’ve been getting headaches. The morning sickness that lasted 24/7 has pretty much gone and I only get waves of nausea once in a while. It’s so crazy because I still don’t believe that I’m pregnant with twins. I guess it just hasn’t sunk in yet. It’s weird. Anyway, I think I pretty much covered everything and that was a hella long update so I’m going to run now. Aiden is patiently waiting for me and being such a good lil boy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

17 Weeks...

Your babies are each approximately 5 inches long (crown to rump) and weigh just less than 5 ounces. They should weigh more than the placenta from this point on. Since your babies' hearing has become more finely tuned, they may respond to loud noises and you may feel movement at the sound of a slamming door. Epidermal (skin) and fatty tissue are developing all over their bodies to protect them after they are born and a substance called vernix is beginning to form on the skin tissue to protect it from the long exposure to amniotic fluid.

17 weeks...

*By week 17, your baby weighs about 4.97 ounces (140gm) and is 5.12 inches (13cm) long.
*He or she has a much more normal "human" appearance now. She holds her head more erect and her body and limbs are longer in proportion to her head.
*Pads are forming on his tiny fingertips and toes. Soon those individual swirls and whorls will be apparent.
*Her eyes are looking forward now, but they are still firmly closed.
*Meconium (composed of products of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid), is accumulating in the bowel. This black gooey substance will become your baby's first poop!
*The umbilical cord is growing thicker and stronger and continues to rush blood and nutrients to your growing baby.
*If your child is male the prostate begins to develop.
*Her skeleton is tranforming from cartilage to bone. The bones remain flexible to make the journey through the birth canal easier.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

16 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh just over 3 ounces and measure about 4.5 inches long. You may have an ultrasound scheduled soon which may tell you whether you're carrying boys, girls or both...if you want to know. About two thirds of all twins are fraternal. Half of these pairs are boy/girl; one fourth are girl/girl; and one fourth are boy/boy. Your babies' fingernails and toenails are now fully formed, and internally their urinary tracts and bladders are functioning, emptying about once every hour.

16 weeks...




*Fat begins to form underneath skin, providing your baby with insulation for the coming months.
*Did you know that both baby and placenta are now about the same size?
*Your little one has reached 4.57 inches (11.6cm) and approximately 3.53 ounces (100gm).
*His head and neck are held straighter now.
*This is a week of "mights!" You might hear the tiny thumps of his heartbeat with an external monitor now. The genitals are developed sufficiently that an experienced sonographer might be able to determine if your baby is a boy or a girl.
*Her heart is pumping as much as 6 gallons of blood a day and beats at a rate about double your heartrate.
*If you could take a peek inside, you would witness your child's reflexes in action!(Sucking, swallowing and blinking are now evident.) She is probably even hiccuping even though you don't feel it yet!
*Your baby has learned to breathe! This is apparent from the regular movements of his chest. Isn't it amazing that he is able to breathe "underwater," inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid? These actions help the lungs to develop and grow.

Friday, June 13, 2008

All of the Signs…

Ok, so I mentioned before that I knew it was twins and I would explain later. So here we go…

The night before I was supposed to have a visit from aunt flow I had a dream that I took a pregnancy test and it was positive so I was pregnant. I woke up the next morning and told John about it. He was like great. Haha. So then of course I kept swearing & telling myself she’d be there any day but she never showed. I took a pregnancy test a few days later and of course it was positive.

A few days after that I had another dream. It was one of those dreams that you don’t really recognize the people in it but you could tell that they were a big part of your life. Well, there was a set of twin girls in it. They were maybe about Aiden’s age and interacting and stuff with me, but it didn’t seem like they were mine. I told John again and I’m sure you know what the reply I got on that one was too. Haha. Twins run in John’s family and skip every other generation. Well, it’s John’s generation to have them. I swore that it wasn’t going to be me it was going to be John’s sister Sue (sorry girl, LOL). So now we know I’m pregnant and there’s a possibility that it could be twins but I was like, no not me. Not because it wouldn’t be a blessing but I just feel like Aiden is still so young and he’s such a lil mama’s boy. He wants my attention all the time.

Next we went to Florida to visit John’s dad, step-mom, and his brother and sister. By this point I was really sick all the time and just exhausted! They had planned to take us to Disney world as John has never been there and of course neither has Aiden. Well, it was a two hour drive each way and they wanted to leave at 6am. I didn’t think I would be able to sit in the car for that long without getting seriously sick and then having to walk around the park all day in the heat would not be a pretty sight. So we had to tell them the news. We didn’t plan on telling anyone for a while, it’s just the way I am. I did the same thing with Aiden. I just want to make sure everything is ok before telling everyone the good news. So the day we flew in to Florida John took his dad out in the garage to tell him that I was pregnant and we wouldn’t be able to go to Disney world. His dad was ecstatic and like oh that’s ok, we can do that later. So he went and told Xio (John’s step-mom). Of course she was ecstatic too! The kids were a little disappointed because they wanted to go to Disney World, so I felt really bad about that. So once they found out of course the topic of twins came up once again and I was like, no it’s not me. I swore I was so sick and tired this time because it was going to be a girl. Xio was like I knew someone else was pregnant because she had a dream and there were 3 babies in it and she only knew of two pregnant people so I must have been the other one.

Well, a couple of days later we were still in Florida and John’s dad & Xio were making breakfast. We were having scrambled eggs so John’s dad was just cracking a whole bunch of eggs into a big mixing bowl. All of the sudden they start talking and giggling and were like do you see this. So I walked into the kitchen and there is a set of twin yolks that came out of the one egg. Right away I’m like oh no, another sign! So Xio says you know what that means and I reply no. So she said it means that someone in the room is pregnant with twins! Of course again I was like no, that’s impossible (well not really, but you know). So John’s dad went down the run down of all of the twins on that side of the family and was like Johnny, it’s your generation to have them. They skip every other generation and it’s now your turn.

We come home and have our first doctor’s appointment. Everything was good and the doctor heard the heartbeat, one heartbeat. So I was like see I told you it was just one. Then a few weeks go by and we are laying in bed watching tv before going to sleep. It was the night before we had our second doctor’s appointment and our first ultrasound. Anyway, we were flipping through the channels and there was one of those shows on about pregnant moms. I don’t know if it was like special delivery or bringing home baby, I forget. The girl that they had on there was really pregnant so we left it on for a few minutes. Here it turns out she was pregnant with 4 babies or so she thought but there was actually 5 and the 5th one was hiding behind some of the other babies and they didn’t see it until the very end. So it was a show on multiples. I was just like oh my gosh, I couldn’t imagine having more than one.

Well, that leads us to the following day which was June 4th, you can read all about that in the blog below. There you have it… all of the signs that it was twins! Call me crazy or whatever you want but I’m a firm believer in signs and I think there were plenty of them.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

15 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh about 2.5 ounces and are approximately 4 inches in length (crown to rump). Their hearts are growing strong and, even though little, they are pumping between 20 and 25 quarts of blood every 24 hours! By the time you are ready to deliver, your babies' hearts will be circulating up to 300 quarts of blood every 24 hours. Many fetuses develop their future hairlines this week, although it can take quite a bit longer for others.


*You may begin to feel some fluttering movements as baby kicks, flails, twists and turns (but don't panic if you don't yet). She can also grasp, squint, frown, grimace and maybe suck her thumb!
*Your baby's legs have grown longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the head.
*And you'll be happy to note that he is moving those arms and legs often!
*His skin is very thin -- so thin blood vessel are visible. It's covered by a fine, soft layer of hair called lanugo. Lanugo comes from a Latin word meaning "down." This hair is thought to help insulate your little boy.
*The three tiny bones in his middle ear have begun to harden. The auditory centers in your baby's brain haven't developed yet, so she might not really understand what you say but her hearing capacity is in the process of developing.
*Fingernails and toenails are growing.
*Eyebrows are beginning to grow and even the hair his head is sprouting. It will probably change color and texture after birth.
*All this and your little one is an amazing 3.98 inches (10.1cm) long and may weigh 2.47 ounces (70gm).

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

2nd Dr.s Appointment, 1st Ultrasound... It's TWINS!!!!!

Ok, let me see where to start…

First thing this morning I had an appointment for my monthly check-up to see how the baby is doing. When the Dr. was checking the heartbeat with the doppler thingy it took her a while to find the heartbeat and once she did it was really faint and seemed slow. She was like… do you hear it and I was like… not really. Once I really listened I could faintly hear it. She said everything seemed ok and she would see me next month. So I met up with John because he had a doctors appointment of his own this morning and I told him about what happened and just said to him that I really hoped that everything was ok with the baby.

Then we had an appointment later on in the afternoon at the hospital to have our first ultrasound done. So we go in and wait our turn and they call us back into the room. I lay down and she gels up my belly and puts the ultrasound wand on my belly. As I’m looking at the picture on the screen I saw what appeared to be two heads. I said to myself wow that’s weird, it just must not be focused yet. Then the tech said to me is this your first ultrasound? We replied yes and she smiled. She looked over at the medical student and was like do you see what I see and they both giggled. John & I are sitting there like what??? So then she said to us, well since this is your first ultrasound I guess you didn’t know that you’re having twins and we were both like NO!!! Of course I got all freaked out and was like holy crap, and all that stuff. We were seriously in shock and all I could say was I knew it (I’ll explain that story & all of the signs later)! I think seriously for the first time in my life I was speechless!!!! So she did all of her measurements and took her pictures. Both babies have a very strong heartbeat and are totally active. They were both jumping all over the place like crazy! It was awesome. So she got a good profile picture of baby A and a picture of baby B looking at us like he was saying stop lookin at me. Haha. We have to go back next month for another check-up and ultrasound. So yes, I am pregnant with twins and they are both doing awesome!! John and I are excited but yet also feeling a bit overwhelmed. We’ll see how it all pans out. Right now we’re just trying to finish getting settled in the new house and then we’ll worry about everything else. Here I kept saying that it must be a girl because this pregnancy was so much different than my first pregnancy with Aiden. I was so much sicker and more tired. It was terrible! Well, I guess the fact that it is twins explains it! Haha. They couldn’t tell the sex yet, it was still too soon but hopefully next time we’ll find out. It’s funny because the tech asked if we wanted to find out the sex and I said of course, I don’t like surprises and she laughed. All I have to say is for me not liking surprises.... this was a hell of a surprise!

Anyway, here are some pictures...
the first picture is a picture of both my lil bugs. the second picture is a profile shot of baby "a". the third picture is a picture of baby "b" lookin at you.






Tuesday, June 03, 2008

14 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh about 1.5 ounces and are 3 to 4 inches in length. Their bladders are beginning to function and, believe it or not, they actually begin urinating. In fact, although doctors are not really sure how or where your babies' urine is produced, they do know it is one component of the amniotic fluid, which regenerates itself every 3 to 4 hours. Your OB may discuss performing an amniocentesis at your next appointment, particularly if you are over 35 or if you will be by the time your babies are born. Amniocentesis is a prenatal test used to detect the most common chromosomal and genetic birth defects, including Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and spina bifida.




*Thyroid gland has matured and your baby begins producing hormones which will be used throughout his or her life.
*In boys, the prostate gland develops
*In girls, the ovaries move from the abdomen to the pelvis
*Your little one may have learned to suck his thumb by this point!
*Your child's bones are getting harder and stronger by the day!
*Your baby's skin is very transparent still
*Lanugo (very fine hair) covers the baby's body and will continue to grow until 26 weeks gestational age - Generally this will be shed prior to birth. Its purpose is to help protect baby's skin while in all that water!
*Your baby is 3.42 inches (8.7cm) long and weighs about 1.52 ounces (43 grams) - approximately the weight of a letter!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

An update of sorts...

Ok, I’m sitting here doing an open house for work so I figure I’ll do an update while I’m waiting. We went over to my dad’s house a couple of weeks ago to talk to him and his wife about me being pregnant and stuff. I have to say that my dad was a little shocked and disappointed. He was disappointed not because I was pregnant but because he was sure that John and I were going to tell him that we were getting married. Cindy was all excited and said she knew that I was pregnant and that’s why we were coming over. So we’re back on the whole marriage thing again. I just feel like it isn’t right that people should make you feel so pressured to get married. It isn’t like we would have a big wedding or anything, we’ve both been there done that. So all it would be is a trip to the court house, a little ceremony of sorts, and then a piece of paper. I feel like we don’t need that. I guess I’m just a little bitter over my last marriage and divorce. I always said I was getting married once and that was that and I did that. It didn’t end on a good note and neither did John’s. It isn’t like a marriage isn’t easily dissolved with a divorce so why do you have to get legally married when it is really what’s in your heart that matters? I know this doesn’t make any sense to other people but it makes sense to me. I know John would marry me in a second, he tells me all the time that he would. It’s just my twisted perception of marriage I guess that gets in the way. Anyway, enough rambling about that it just gives me a headache. Now all of our family members know about the pregnancy and are happy about it with the exception of my grandmom. We still haven’t told her and I honestly don’t know when we will.

I’m starting to feel a little better now. I’m just about to hit the 14 week mark and I think my second trimester. Aiden is now pretty much sleeping through the night for the most part which has been great. He is such a lil lovebug and I love him so much! Needless to say I still spend a lot of time staring at the ceiling obsessing about everything & anything. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning for my next check-up and then an appointment to have an ultrasound in the afternoon. So John and I will get to see our lil peanut in a couple of days and we can’t wait! It’s crazy because I’ve been having a lot of cramps with this pregnancy that I didn’t have the last time. The doctor said it’s normal though. I’ll try to write another update after the appointments this week. I feel bad because I really don’t have the time to blog and write things down this time with having Aiden and always chasing after him and stuff. Plus, with work and moving and everything else my life just seems so much crazier than before. But I am going to try to journal as much as I can.

The house is coming along slowly but surely. We are still working on getting everything set up and stuff. Our work schedules have been crazy busy and our time is so limited. I seriously just can’t wait until we are in and settled! Anyway, I guess that’s enough rambling for today…