Second doctors appointment...
Anyway, so the good news about todays visit is that all of my bloodwork and everything came back fine and all of my counts are good. I had a list of questions to ask the doctor and she answered all of them. She said she found the heartbeat right away and it was really strong and sounded great. We have to go back in 3 weeks to have an ultrasound on my cervix to make sure that it is strong enough to hold the lil munchkin up there but I won't be able to see her or him. Then the following day I go back to the doctor for a whole bunch of bloodwork for my quad screening test and to go over my test results from the day before. So that's about it that I can think of right now. I would have REALLY liked to have seen her and had a picture to share but I am happy that I did at least get to hear the heartbeat, know its actually in there, and everything sounds good....