Friday, January 27, 2006

Second doctors appointment...

Ok, so we went to our second doctors appointment today and I have to say I'm kind of upset and disappointed about it. I didn't get an ultrasound today like I thought I would, we just got to hear the heartbeat with some little machine thingy. I swore they told me I would get an ultrasound today so I was really excited about seeing the lil munchkin for the first time. I mean maybe I'm just being silly because we did get to hear a heartbeat for like two seconds, so i guess that was good thing. The doctor was just moving the thing around on my belly and you heard this little swishing noise and she was like "you hear that? that's the heartbeat" with a big smile. Then John got all excited and smiled and two seconds later she was like, ok lets go schedule your next appointment. I swear I thought my head was going to explode! They said that they don't do an ultrasound until about 18-20 weeks. That seems like so far away. I know people that have had them much sooner, like anywhere between 8-14 weeks. It just isn't fair. So I just call them the ultrasound nazis ! haha.

Anyway, so the good news about todays visit is that all of my bloodwork and everything came back fine and all of my counts are good. I had a list of questions to ask the doctor and she answered all of them. She said she found the heartbeat right away and it was really strong and sounded great. We have to go back in 3 weeks to have an ultrasound on my cervix to make sure that it is strong enough to hold the lil munchkin up there but I won't be able to see her or him. Then the following day I go back to the doctor for a whole bunch of bloodwork for my quad screening test and to go over my test results from the day before. So that's about it that I can think of right now. I would have REALLY liked to have seen her and had a picture to share but I am happy that I did at least get to hear the heartbeat, know its actually in there, and everything sounds good....

13 Weeks...

Your baby weighs about 1/2 ounce and is between 2.5 and 3 inches in length. Your baby's digestive tract continues to develop as tiny villi (hairs) form inside the intestines. These villi will help move food through your baby's digestive tract. The pancreas has begun producing insulin, and all 20 teeth buds have formed inside your baby's mouth. But of course, the teeth aren't visible yet. (That would make predicting orthodontist bills way too easy!)

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*Your infant is about 2.91 inches (7.4cm) and weighs around 0.81 ounce (23gm) - This is about the same weight as 4 quarters.
*If you could peek in again you may spot your baby as he begins to practice inhaling and exhaling movements
*Eyes and ears continue to move and develop
*Baby's neck is getting longer, and the chin no longer is resting on his chest
*Her hands are becoming more functional - Your baby may find it comforting to start playing with her fist.
*At this point all nourishment is received from the placenta
*On your next doctor visit you should be able to hear heartbeat with a Doppler by now - (Don't worry though if you can't, the heartbeat can be confirmed through U/S). Your baby's heartbeat is much rapider than your own and may remind you of the race towards birth that he is running!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Stressed & Stuff...

I am so tired and just feeling so Blah lately. I was in bed most of the weekend because I didn't feel well. I feel like a lazy sack of crap but I am so tired and just feeling sick all the time. After work I just don't want to do anything! Maybe it is just that time of the year. I feel like I am always busy and doing stuff and it is usually stuff for other people. I need to start being selfish and taking care of myself. Its gotta be all about me. I'm not going to have any more of that come August. You know? I know it will never happen but a girl can dream can't she? There is so much stuff that I have to do for myself and so many things that I need to figure out. I think my brain hurts from thinking so much. Maybe more like it hurts from my thoughts running a thousand miles a minute and not being able to keep my thoughts separated or straight. I guess I need to prioritize things and just concentrate on one thing at a time. Once I finish that move along to the next. We'll see how it works out. This seems like it is turning into a bitchy diary, I don't mean for it to be. I am just feeling so tired and crappy lately. I know its stress and I need to calm down and relax a little.

On a good note, we go to the doctors on Friday for our first ultrasound. I seriously can't wait and it feels like it is taking forever to get here! I hope that everything is ok. I'm sure it will be, I just worry about everything. Between me and John I kind of feel sorry for this kid. It will never get away with anything. Between the two of us we've been there and done that and used all of the excuses in the book for it. I'm a worry wart but more free spirited when it comes to some things. If you happen to be a girl your dad is already talking about answering the door with a shotgun in hand if a boy comes to get you when you get older. I'll work on that for you, I promise. I'm sure if you end up being a boy you'll get away with anything cause you'll be daddy's lil buddy. And as for me, I'm sure I'll still be worrying. Haha.

I've bought a few baby things, I know I'm not supposed to but I just can't help it. John yells at me for it because he says we don't even know if you are a boy or a girl yet. It doesn't matter, I haven't bought anything that isn't unisex. Ok, well maybe one thing but if you are a boy I'm sure we will be able to save it for later or find it a good home with someone else.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to work and try to get something accomplished for the day. I can't wait to see you on Friday :)

Friday, January 20, 2006

12 Weeks...

Your baby weighs about 14 grams and is about 2-1/2 inches in length. His or her reflexes are functioning, and the digestive tract is active and secreting bile - all to prepare your baby for life outside of your body. Stem cells, the "mother cells" that will become heart, brain, liver, bone, blood, nerve, and immune cells, continue to differentiate to form your baby's major organs. Although your baby's brain continues to grow, the components now have the same structure they will have at birth. If your OB or midwife uses a fetal Doppler, you may be able to listen to your baby's heartbeat - many moms-to-be are amazed by how fast it is. This may be the sweetest sound you have ever heard.

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*Vocal cords begin to form - While perhaps not quite ready to be introduced to the nearest opera stage, your infant will use these immediately following the moment of birth. Bet you can't wait to hear that first cry!
*Those precious eyes begin to move closer together - Are you wondering if he will have mommy's crystal green eyes, daddy's laughing brown ones, or maybe out of the gene pool will emerge grandma's clear blue!
*Ears shift to their normal place on the side of the head
*Intestines move farther in to your child's body
*His or her liver begins to function - Responsible for cleansing the blood, storing nutrients, and providing needed chemicals, this is an important event!
*The pancreas begins to produce insulin
*Guess what? Your baby's average size is now at a whopping length: 2.13 inches (5.4cm) and weight: 0.49 ounce (14gm)

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Getting excited...

I think that I'm really starting to get excited about being pregnant. I can't wait to go to the doctors next Friday for my first ultrasound. It seems like it is taking forever to get here! Over the weekend we had to run up to the mall to try to buy some more lavender vanilla oils for me. Of course the store didn't have any, so I had to come home and order it off the internet. So hopefully it won’t take too long to get here. Anyway, back to the trip to the mall. Sandy, John, and I were walking through Sears to get back to the car and we walked passed the baby department. Let me just say OMG there is so many cute outfits for little girls! I was in love with so many things and it was so hard not to buy anything. Sandy saw a bunch of stuff too. We were both like OMG look at this, look at that. John had to drag us out of the store. At one point he turned around and looked at me to say I’m in trouble aren’t I??? I just laughed and said, yeah I think so. Haha. He was of course the voice of reason and was like you don’t even know if we’re having a girl or boy yet. You aren’t going to buy anything until at least you know that much. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I know he’s right, I just feel like complaining about it. I did buy something off the internet but it can be warn by either a girl or boy. Shhhhhhhh ;-) I seriously think I could spend way too much money on buying baby stuff. I bet it could be seriously addictive!

On another note I am starting to feel a lot better. That is aside from the sore boobs and back pain every once in a while. The feeling nauseous is really starting to slow down and doesn’t happen very often. I mean, it does but nothing like before. So it makes me happy. Last night I actually slept pretty well. I only woke up twice and the one time it was at like 5:30 or 6 to pee. So I had a decent night of sleep. That made me happy. Hopefully I’ll have a few more of them. I do have a lumpy looking thing starting to grow out of my belly button. I'm debating on whether I should call my regular doctor or just ask my OB next Friday. If they won't do anything about it there is a chance I might just cut that shit off myself! It is seriously annoying me. Anyway, I’ve been peeking around online looking at different pregnancy sites and of course sites that sell baby clothes, furniture, and all that good stuff. I am seriously getting to the point that I can’t wait and I feel good about it all…

Friday, January 13, 2006

It finally hit me...

So last night in the middle of the night I think it finally hit me and I came to the realization that I am indeed pregnant. I mean, I knew I was pregnant and I will tell some people I am pregnant but I think I was still in some form of denial over it. I really don't like talking about it and when people talk to me about it I get all weird about it. Anyway, I'm not quite sure why it hit me then, it just did. I was laying in bed and all the sudden started having crazy scary thoughts about being pregnant and playing the "what if" game. It is seriously enough to drive me insane! I started thinking all sorts of stuff like how will I know if I'm in labor? What if I can't make it through labor, if it is too hard? What if when the baby gets here I don't know how to be a good mom? That as motherly as I am, I have no idea how to take care of a baby and give it a bath and stuff. I mean I know how to change diapers, feed a baby, give it lots of love... but to give it a bath, clip its fingernails and stuff like that... I'm clueless!!! Its really scary to me. I had a long talk with my dad's wife today when she called me to see how i'm feeling and she said this is all normal and alot of people go through this. That once the lil munchkin is here I will be fine and it will all kick in like second nature and if I have any questions or problems I have a strong support group to go to for help. I know this is true but it still scares me. I'm sure once I go to the doctors and have my ultrasound and hear the baby's heartbeat it will be love at first sight and I'll be fine. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for...

11 Weeks...

Your baby weighs about 7 grams, is about 2 inches long, and in an ultrasound will look a bit out of proportion. He or she has toes, eyes, ears, fingernails and lips, but the head is still about one-half the total size of its body. Don't worry; this will change as your baby grows.

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*Nearly all structures and organs are formed and beginning to function.
*Fingers and toes have separated - Take a glimpse at how incredibly precious your child's tiny feet are at this point.
*Hair and nails begin to grow
*The genitals begin to take on the proper gender characteristics - It will be just a few more weeks before your ultrasound can show if you are having a boy or a girl! Have you been dreaming of pink or blue?
*Amniotic fluid begins to accumulate as the kidneys begin to function - This fluid, consisting primarily of water, helps provide a cushion for your baby while she's nestled within your womb.
*The muscles in the intestinal walls begin to practice contractions that digest food.
*Your baby is about 1.61 inches (4.1 cm) long and weighs 0.25 ounce (7gm).

The lil munchkin's countdown...

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

baby talk...

There has been lots of baby talk going on and plans of the future. Sorry to tell you baby, no matter whether you're a girl or a boy you are going to be out in the garage tinkering on cars with your daddy. He has big plans for you :-) That's ok, I'm sure you won't mind much. In other news I think you are reeking havoc on me. Aside from the feeling sick and being exhausted I've been having bad hair days for weeks now. I don't know if this is really possible or if I'm just trying to blame pregnancy for my bad hair. Haha. So now I've resorted to straightening my hair. We'll see how long it lasts though. It's very time consuming and means I have to make sure I get up early in the morning to get it accomplished. I have to say that I have been feeling better lately as far as the whole nauseous thing goes. I have my moments where I feel a sick but nothing like what I was going through before. I'm still tired but not as bad as before. The aromatherapy has been helping me sleep at night for the most part. I've still be having really weird dreams though. Let me see what else. People are already wanting to buy you stuff. John and I say it is too soon to wait a little longer. I'm sure you'll get lots of pressies once you get here though, everyone is so excited. I know there are a few things that I've already fallen in love with! Our friend Rebekah posted some awesome links in her blog today and I had a ball going through them and looking at all of the awesome stuff. I'm sure that we'll be buying some stuff off there when its time. I don't go back to the doctors until the 27th so that we can hear your heartbeat and all that fun stuff. It seems like so far away. I know its only 16 days away, I'm just so impatient when it comes to certain things and this is one of them. We can't find out if you are a girl or a boy until about 18 weeks. So I'm going to get even more annoying before then. I can't wait to find out if you are a girl or boy. I already have your name if you end up being a girl and I think you will love it and well if you end up being a boy we're going to have to do some serious thinking about a name for you. Oh your daddy cracks me up sitting around reading my pregnancy books all the time. He loves it. Then of course he tells me all of the stuff I can and can't do. My nose has been running and I've been sneezing constantly for the past couple of days. I seriously hope that I'm not getting sick or catching a cold. It is that time of year and it seems like everyone I know has had some kind of illness or another! Anyway, I think that's about it and I should get back to work now. I can't wait to go home and just relax after work.

Friday, January 06, 2006

10 Weeks...

Your baby is somewhere between 1 and 1-1/2 inches in length and probably weighs about 4 grams (or as much as 4 paper clips). He or she has lips, toes, eyes that are usually open, ears that are completely formed, and the genitals are becoming more clearly defined. The little pollywog you have inside has lost its "tail" and this week marks the end of the embryonic stage and the beginning of the fetal stage!

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*Baby is now called a fetus in "medical terms". You, however, may have chosen the name "peanut," "angel," "jumping bean" or simply "miracle."
*The most critical part of your infant's development is complete. Now you are headed into a period of rapid growth.
*While a bit strange to envision, your baby's head is now about half its length - Soon the rest of the body's growth will catch up but this area is prepared to keep up with the rapid brain development!
*Eyelids fuse shut and irises begin to develop - Eye color is also determined by this point.
*Placenta begins to function this week or next - The placenta is the organ responsible for both the provision of nutrients along with the removal of waste to keep your baby growing strong!
*Your baby will be about 1.22 inch long (3.1cm) and weigh 0.14 ounce (4gm) at the end of this week.


Last night I was going through a bunch of my oils and stuff to see if I could find something to help me either relax or sleep. I can't stand how tired I am and that no matter how hard I try, I just can't sleep. I couldn't find my Lavender Vanilla pillow mist (for sleep) so I was kind of disappointed. I did however find my Cedarwood Sage pillow mist (to relax). So before I went to bed I sprayed my comforter and pillow with the Cedarwood Sage and hopped into bed. I seriously slept much better! I don't know if it was because I am hitting rock bottom and just couldn't go any further without sleep or if the oils actually worked. I woke up a couple of times during the night and just got up and used the bathroom but as soon as I got back into bed I fell asleep. So today I'm feeling much better. I'll spray my bed down again for the next couple of nights and see if it continues. I'll keep looking for my Lavender Vanilla and if I can't find it I may just have to go and buy it this weekend.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years...

It was a nice and relaxing New Years aside from the headache that had. John and I just stayed in and watched movies because I wasn't feeling well. I think I passed out by 10 and then woke up for a little while at midnight. I've been having horrible headaches and I looked it up in a pregnancy book that we got for Christmas and it says it is normal due to hormones, lack of sleep, stress, lack of eating, and dehydration. I know I am in at least 4 of the 5 categories. I've been trying to do better with eating and drinking more, so hopefully it will help. I've just been trying to deal with it by having John give me back rubs and play with my hair. I don't want to get in the habit of taking Tylenol everyday. I also put peppermint oil on my temples, back of my neck, and behind my ears. I know these spots have names but right now I'm having a brainfart and can't think of it. Haha. As far as the stress I just can't seem to shake it and the more I try not to stress the more I do. So I don't know what to do about that. I think its just I'm scared. I am happy, I know that people worry about this... I'm just scared of so many things. I know it will all work out, I just have to get over it. Yesterday I ended up calling out of work because I was exhausted. I was seriously up all night on Monday. I'm lucky if I got 8 hours sleep over the three day weekend and then add the horrible headaches to the mix, I was not a happy camper when the alarm went off. So I stayed home to try to relax and sleep a little bit. For the most part it worked. It got stressful at the end of the day with having to cleanup after a sick dog but what can you do. Anyway, today I'm back at work and trying to get caught up from being out. I can't wait to go home tonight and try to relax. Maybe watch a movie or some TV or something. I seriously hope that I can get some sleep tonight... I need it!!!