First doctors appointment...
We went to the doctors today for our first visit and found out that the baby is due on August 4, 2004. That will make the lil munchkin a Leo. We kind of knew that all ready but now its confirmed. The doctor says that I'm about 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant. So I'm confused. One website says 8 weeks, one website says 9 weeks. So your guess is as good as mine. I guess its just a matter of a couple of days with the end result of your birthday being August 4th. So I had to change a few dates on here according to the doctors calculations. I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I wanted to hear a heartbeat or something. It still doesn't seem real to me. Aside from the fact that my boobs are getting HUGE!!! We just went over all of the families medical history, did lots of blood work, they made me pee in a cup after I had pee'd right before going to the doctors, and did an internal exam. She said I feel about 8 weeks, so I'm good. Don't ask me how that works, I have no idea. I got prenatal vitamins to start taking. I told her how I only started taking Flintstone vitamins like last week and she said that's fine. Just start the prenatal vitamins ASAP. So I will. She was complimenting me on how nice John is. That I have her approval. He's a good egg, and I know it. While we were sitting there waiting for her to come in I told John this is all his fault. He just started laughing and said I was wandering when you were going to start with that. Haha. We go back on January 27th for our first Ultrasound. So I have to wait like 4 more weeks to hear a heartbeat and stuff. I'm sure its going to be a long 4 weeks *sniffle*. I will have to have another ultrasound around 15 weeks to make sure that my Cervix is strong enough to hold the baby up there. Since the surgery I had last year, there is like a 10% chance that it won't be and I could miscarriage in the second trimester. We're not even going to think about that though. I say my prayers for her every night. Notice I say her I'm hoping that its a girl, I already have her name but no matter what it is I will love it just the same.