Tuesday, May 30, 2006
It was a really busy weekend for us. We had so much to do and it totally flew by! It is way too hot outside. I don’t know how I’ll make it to the beginning of August in this heat. I can’t stand the heat normally. I get really bad headaches and sick if I’m out in the heat too long (which isn't very long for me) without being pregnant never mind being 8 & 9 months pregnant. I also found a tick on me yesterday. It had bit me and latched onto my hip, the lil f**ker. I had John carefully pull it off and he made sure he got the head and everything. Now I’m waiting for a call back from the doctor to see what the "protocol" is. I’m sure it wasn’t a deer tick but still I’m annoyed that I have to worry about it now. I called my gyno this morning and they told me to call him, so I did. Oh, and did I mention that I also have a really bad abscessed tooth? Because I do. It is the one I was having problems with a month or two ago that I thought was a sinus infection. Over the weekend it started hurting and flared up, so now I’m walking around looking like a cabbage patch kid because my cheek is so swollen. I started taking some antibiotics over the weekend that the doctor had given me a refill on the last time when I thought this was a sinus infection but they really aren’t helping any. I went to my regular dentist this afternoon and he said there is nothing he can do for me. I do need a root canal but he can’t do it. I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant or what. He’s done root canals on me before, so it must be. I have to go and see an Endodontic Specialist. I spent most of the afternoon on the phone trying to find one that accepts my insurance because the one my dentist referred me to doesn’t. It is going to cost me about $980 to have the root canal done, so I need to find one that my insurance will help me pay for. Finally a couple of hours later I found one that does. I have no idea if he is good or not but I’ll only have to pay about $200 out of my own pocket and that sure beats almost $1,000. I go tomorrow morning so we’ll see what happens and hopefully he can do the root canal and he’s good! Oh, and my regular dentist said I also have pregnancy gingivitis but it happens a lot during pregnancy and should go away once I download Aiden. Ahhhh, the joys of pregnancy...
Friday, May 26, 2006
Words from the dad...
I never get tired of watching my son move in Traci's belly. I am totally mezmerized by it. I could seriously sit and watch him move in there for hours. I can't wait for him to got out of there. I have so much to tell him and do for him and with him. I talk to him now and read to him and stuff. Right now we are sitting here and Traci is playing the Beatles for him. He is doing back flips! I guess he likes the Beatles...that's my boy! This weekend we are going to set up his crib. My Dad sent us some stuff off the registry and one of them was a crib set. So we will get that done for our lil bean.
30 Weeks...
Your baby now weighs around 3 pounds and is about 17 inches from head to toe. An ultrasound image may show your baby yawning or even sucking its thumb, and you may also notice that your baby does not move at all during your Braxton Hicks contractions. This is because your muscles tighten and constrict his or her movement. By now your baby is probably more used to Braxton Hicks than you are.

*Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
*His head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. Don't forget to continue to "teach" your baby in the womb by exposing to music, literature, and simply talking to him.
*A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him. As he grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
*He spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. His eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. He may even reach out to touch the light.
*Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
*Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
*Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
*Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
*By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).

*Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
*His head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. Don't forget to continue to "teach" your baby in the womb by exposing to music, literature, and simply talking to him.
*A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him. As he grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
*He spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. His eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. He may even reach out to touch the light.
*Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
*Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
*Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
*Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
*By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Seventh doctor’s appointment…
We went to the doctor’s office again today for another check-up. There isn’t a whole lot to report because everything is going very well. She didn’t have the results from the ultrasound that we had on Tuesday back yet, so we just told her what they had said. She said that Aiden is just measuring big and that my due date is a good one, so he’s probably just going to be a big baby. She said if he keeps growing at the rate he’s going he’ll probably be about 8 pounds or more. I might have to return some of the clothes I bought him because he won’t be getting much wear out of some of them if that is the case. My weight gain is still going well and I’m not gaining too much even though I’m still constantly obsessing over it. All of my results from the glucose test I did the last time I was there were good. My blood pressure is good and the baby’s heart rate is good. It was funny because when she put the Doppler thingy on my belly to hear the heart beat he started jumping around like crazy and I think trying to run from it. I think he might have even kicked it a couple of times. So we were laughing about it with the doctor. She said he was so active while we were there his heart rate was around 160 or something like that. I’m pretty sure that was about everything that I can think of for now. I guess by the time we go back in two weeks she’ll have the results from the ultrasound so we can talk to her more about that as well. On another note Aiden has been dancing around like crazy all day!!! He is a lil squirm monster. haha!
We got some awesome presents in the mail yesterday from John’s dad and his wife off of our baby registry. It was very thoughtful and very much appreciated. They sent a nice little note to us inside. It was very unexpected and Aiden’s first “big” gifts off the registry. We have an awesome family that loves us and supports us no matter what. That is a wonderful thing…
We got some awesome presents in the mail yesterday from John’s dad and his wife off of our baby registry. It was very thoughtful and very much appreciated. They sent a nice little note to us inside. It was very unexpected and Aiden’s first “big” gifts off the registry. We have an awesome family that loves us and supports us no matter what. That is a wonderful thing…
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
We got to see you again today…
We went to the hospital to have another ultrasound done today. So we got to see you again. You were actually very calm and still this time. Usually you bounce all around and do all sorts of crazy moves trying to get away from the camera but I guess you were either too tired today or you’re getting a little cramped up in there by now. They said that everything is looking really good. Your heart rate was 135, so she said that was good. She said you already have some hair on your head, we could see it in the ultrasound. My placenta moved to where it is supposed to be, so that is another good thing. She said that you weigh about approximately 3 pounds, 9 ounces (I think, I kind of forget) and my AFI levels are good. She said you are measuring a little bit bigger than you should be at 29 weeks and 4 days. So it could be one of two things I guess. You’re either going to be a big baby or my due date might be a little off. They aren’t going to change it though because it falls within the 2-3 week range. She said that if I had no idea what my due date was I’m measuring about 31-32 weeks which would make you due on July 21st. I said before that I thought you were going to be a little early so I picked July 28th. I don’t know why I picked that date, I just did. Now I changed it and said you’ll probably be here on the July 24th because I thought it was a full moon but I was wrong, it’s a new moon. So I guess we’ll just have to wait see what happens. I’m sure you’ll just come out whenever you’re ready to, huh? Anyway, today’s ultrasound was nothing like the awesome 3D ones we had done a couple of weeks ago but we got to see you again nonetheless so it was awesome. So here are your new pictures. There is a profile shot and a face shot. I think you look a little alien looking again or maybe a little like skeletor! haha. I'm just kidding. We saw you on the 3D ultrasounds and you're adorable!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2006
Friday, May 19, 2006
29 Weeks...
Your baby is now about 16.7 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.7 pounds. He or she continues to be active and grow; however, you may be feeling fewer kicks and punches. This is because even though your baby is getting larger and stronger, he or she also has less space in which to gain momentum for these movements. Your baby's blood is now being produced from the stem cells in its bone marrow.

*Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. He appears more like a newborn each and every day!
*Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
*Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
*His eyes can move in their sockets. Soon he will be able to follow a blinking light.
*Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! *Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage.
*He is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, he will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if he is performing somersaults for a circus act!
*His length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm).

*Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. He appears more like a newborn each and every day!
*Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
*Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
*His eyes can move in their sockets. Soon he will be able to follow a blinking light.
*Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! *Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage.
*He is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, he will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if he is performing somersaults for a circus act!
*His length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm).
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dear Baby Aiden…
I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write you since last weeks photo shoot. I wanted to tell you that everyone loves your pictures and they think that you are gorgeous! Of course daddy and I both agree. Thank you for being so cooperative aside from trying to hide your beautiful lil face in your hands most of the time. Also, mommy didn’t appreciate that you tried to get me back that night for waking you up for the pictures. You had me up all night long kicking and squirming around like crazy. You’ve never done that to me before, at least not that bad. That is why I’m thinking that you did it on purpose because we were trying to wake you up during your nap for the ultrasound pictures that day. Anyway, I forgive you for it I guess I understand it. I would be pissed if I was trying to sleep and someone kept talking to me and poking at me. Regardless we got some awesome pictures of you and got to see you moving all around. It was the neatest thing. They gave us a video tape of it so one day when you get older we’ll let you see it.
Over the weekend daddy and I cleaned a bunch of stuff and worked on getting things ready for you. We finally brought your crib out to put it into the bedroom and that was such a fiasco and took forever! It was too big to fit through the bedroom door, so we had to take the door off, then the one pin got stuck in the hinge and we couldn’t get it out. Finally daddy got the door off and we got your crib all set up for you. We just have to buy you a new crib mattress and some cool bedding and you’ll be all set. Well, not really we still have a lot to do but now that is done.
Also, you have been the biggest squirm monster ever lately!!! You move around so much and I have to say sometimes I get a little freaked out about it. I seriously can’t imagine what the heck you’re doing in there! It isn’t just the usual kicks or punches. That really doesn’t bother me. It is something weird, like very fast and fluttery but VERY noticeable movement or something. I can feel every little squirm of it from the inside. I honestly can’t describe it. It’s just really weird feeling to me. Anyway, everyone is so excited that you’re going to be here soon. There’s only 11 weeks and 2 days left until you get here. That is if you are on time and not early or late. What are the odds of you getting here on August 4th??? I’d say slim to none. I’m sure that you’ll be early or late. I have a feeling it is going to be early but we’ll see. If you’re anything like your mommy you’re going to be late! Haha. I love you lots and I'll be seeing you before you know it.
Over the weekend daddy and I cleaned a bunch of stuff and worked on getting things ready for you. We finally brought your crib out to put it into the bedroom and that was such a fiasco and took forever! It was too big to fit through the bedroom door, so we had to take the door off, then the one pin got stuck in the hinge and we couldn’t get it out. Finally daddy got the door off and we got your crib all set up for you. We just have to buy you a new crib mattress and some cool bedding and you’ll be all set. Well, not really we still have a lot to do but now that is done.
Also, you have been the biggest squirm monster ever lately!!! You move around so much and I have to say sometimes I get a little freaked out about it. I seriously can’t imagine what the heck you’re doing in there! It isn’t just the usual kicks or punches. That really doesn’t bother me. It is something weird, like very fast and fluttery but VERY noticeable movement or something. I can feel every little squirm of it from the inside. I honestly can’t describe it. It’s just really weird feeling to me. Anyway, everyone is so excited that you’re going to be here soon. There’s only 11 weeks and 2 days left until you get here. That is if you are on time and not early or late. What are the odds of you getting here on August 4th??? I’d say slim to none. I’m sure that you’ll be early or late. I have a feeling it is going to be early but we’ll see. If you’re anything like your mommy you’re going to be late! Haha. I love you lots and I'll be seeing you before you know it.
Friday, May 12, 2006
28 Weeks...
Your baby weighs approximately 2.4 pounds and is about 10 inches from crown to rump, or a little under 16 inches from head to toe. He or she has been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as its stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, your baby's weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat. A quick way to predict your baby's birth weight is to average your partner’s and your birth weights.

*Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
*Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
*Eyes are completely formed now. Quite a view from inside!
*Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
*Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb!
*Lungs are capable of breathing now(but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
*Talk to your baby often, reading stories, singing songs and more. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
*Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).

*Eyebrows and eyelashes are now very noticeable!
*Hair on baby's head is growing longer. Some babies are born with almost none at all, while others appear to be ready for their first haircut!
*Eyes are completely formed now. Quite a view from inside!
*Your baby's body is getting plump and rounded. Most of that increase is muscle tissue and bone. Fat will be added during the third trimester.
*Muscle tone is improving. Preparation for the Olympics feels like it is taking place in your womb!
*Lungs are capable of breathing now(but baby would still struggle and require medical attention if born now)
*Talk to your baby often, reading stories, singing songs and more. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later on!
*Your baby weighs in now at 2.2 pounds (1005gm) and is 14.8 inches (37.6cm).
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sixth doctor’s appointment…
Today we went to see the doctor for our monthly check-up. I had to do the glucose test. Let me just say, that stuff was nasty!!! I had to drink a mixture of what I swear was pure sugar water. It was bad. I drank the first cup as fast as I could and then went for the second cup. I had an audience of people watching me and making me all nervous so needless to say when I was trying to drink it, it started dribbling down my chin and in between my boobs… all over the place! So I had to go in the bathroom and try to wash up a little. We had to sit for an hour before they could do the blood work. We sat for a while and I started to feel really sick! I tried to take a nap but it didn’t work. We got called back to see the doctor and that helped to make the time go by faster. She said everything is going great. My blood pressure is good, the baby’s heartbeat is good, I am still doing ok as far as my weight gain. I think it’s too much but her and John beg to differ with me. She measured my belly and said I am measuring “big”. So I got all upset about that. She is sending me for another ultrasound to check the placement of the placenta and stuff. We go for that on the 23rd. She said she’s interested to see how big the baby is actually measuring. I hope he isn’t too big. I have to wait for the blood work to come back for my glucose test, hopefully everything will be good with that. Then we go back in two weeks for our next appointment. We’re getting there fast. I can’t believe another week is here and gone!! I hope my “nesting” phase kicks in soon because I have so much to do! Haha.
We also went for our 3D ultrasound appointment this evening. Let me just tell you, it was amazing!!! Aiden wasn’t too happy once again about having his picture taken but we got some great shots! A lot of them were of him trying to cover up his face and hide from the camera. The first picture she took was the one to check gender, just to make sure it was a boy. She said, "yeap it's definitely a boy. There are his testicles and penis, he’s all ready to go and not being shy about it”. We weren't sure what she meant by that but there was something definitely between his legs! He has the chubbiest lil cheeks and big lips. He definitely got them from my side of the family. We all have big luscious lips. It was adorable because all through the ultrasound he kept sucking his bottom lip in or chewing on it. He kept squishing his face up against my uterus as if he pushed hard enough he could get out or hide or something. Who knows what this lil man was thinking but he was adorable. He has an adorable lil button nose and is just as cute as can be. I posted some of the pictures in his online photo album. It was so awesome just watching him move all around, waving his hands and feet around. We think at one point he was trying to open his eyes but he didn‘t. There is a cute one of him with a little smirky smile. John and Sandy said he had gas. Haha. John of course had a huge smile on his face, ear to ear the whole entire time. We were trying everything to get him to move around and get his hands away from his face but he wanted nothing to do with it. I guess he was too tired. We saw him stretch out a couple of times like we were boring him or something. Haha. Of course as soon as we were done the ultrasound he started jumping around like a madman and hasn’t stopped since! Anyway, it’s late and I’m tired. I will post a couple of the pictures below but more can be found here. I’m exhausted and all about going to bed…

We also went for our 3D ultrasound appointment this evening. Let me just tell you, it was amazing!!! Aiden wasn’t too happy once again about having his picture taken but we got some great shots! A lot of them were of him trying to cover up his face and hide from the camera. The first picture she took was the one to check gender, just to make sure it was a boy. She said, "yeap it's definitely a boy. There are his testicles and penis, he’s all ready to go and not being shy about it”. We weren't sure what she meant by that but there was something definitely between his legs! He has the chubbiest lil cheeks and big lips. He definitely got them from my side of the family. We all have big luscious lips. It was adorable because all through the ultrasound he kept sucking his bottom lip in or chewing on it. He kept squishing his face up against my uterus as if he pushed hard enough he could get out or hide or something. Who knows what this lil man was thinking but he was adorable. He has an adorable lil button nose and is just as cute as can be. I posted some of the pictures in his online photo album. It was so awesome just watching him move all around, waving his hands and feet around. We think at one point he was trying to open his eyes but he didn‘t. There is a cute one of him with a little smirky smile. John and Sandy said he had gas. Haha. John of course had a huge smile on his face, ear to ear the whole entire time. We were trying everything to get him to move around and get his hands away from his face but he wanted nothing to do with it. I guess he was too tired. We saw him stretch out a couple of times like we were boring him or something. Haha. Of course as soon as we were done the ultrasound he started jumping around like a madman and hasn’t stopped since! Anyway, it’s late and I’m tired. I will post a couple of the pictures below but more can be found here. I’m exhausted and all about going to bed…

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Busy… Busy… Busy…. Surprise… Not!
It has been another really busy week for us, yet I feel like we never get anything accomplished. I don’t know why that is but it is. I’ve been really tired lately, more so than usual and not feeling well either. I’ve been getting a little light headed and to where my legs feel like wet noodles so I have to sit down. I’m not sure if it is normal or not. My belly is of course getting bigger and I’m not happy about it. Haha, like I have a say in it or something. Aiden has been moving around like crazy!!! It’s still a little freaky to me that I have this little being growing in my belly. Some of the movements that he makes are huge kicks while other ones are just these crazy fast fluttery movements that I can’t imagine for the life of me what he’s doing in there. I told him the other day no matter how much he kicks and punches me he isn’t going to make his way into the world through my belly unless he has a Freddy Kruger glove on. John loves reading to him and we’re still playing him music. John also loves just laying there with his hand on my belly so he can feel the baby kick and just watching him kick. He gets the biggest smile on his face!!! Monday I went to BabiesRus with Cindy (my dad’s wife) to look over the baby registry and see if there was anything she thought I forgot. We were there for about 2 ½ hours and I was once again exhausted by the time we were done. We added some stuff and took a few things off as well. Now I just have to take John up there so he can see what we did because he couldn’t come as he was working. We had a good time and Cindy was so happy that I invited her to go up there with me.
Other than that we go to the doctor’s first thing tomorrow morning for a check-up and to do the glucose test. Hopefully everything will be ok. I think she’s also going to tell us if she is going to send us for another ultrasound. Then we go back two weeks later and then after that we go every week. It’s getting REALLY close!!! Tomorrow night we also go here to have our 3D ultrasounds done. I hope we get some good pictures and Aiden is cooperative with the camera. Hopefully if all goes well tomorrow night we should have some new really cool pictures of our lil man to post for you to see :-)
Other than that we go to the doctor’s first thing tomorrow morning for a check-up and to do the glucose test. Hopefully everything will be ok. I think she’s also going to tell us if she is going to send us for another ultrasound. Then we go back two weeks later and then after that we go every week. It’s getting REALLY close!!! Tomorrow night we also go here to have our 3D ultrasounds done. I hope we get some good pictures and Aiden is cooperative with the camera. Hopefully if all goes well tomorrow night we should have some new really cool pictures of our lil man to post for you to see :-)
Friday, May 05, 2006
27 Weeks...
Your baby weighs approximately 2 pounds and measures about 9.6 inches from crown to rump. His or her facial features are almost fully developed and synchronizing enough that he or she may make faces that are visible on an ultrasound. Your baby’s skin is becoming thicker and fleshier and increasingly wrinkled, thanks to the amniotic fluid. The skin will remain wrinkled for the first month or so after birth – just think about how your hands or feet look after you have been in the water for just 30 minutes! During this week, the brain continues its rapid growth, and the lungs continue to develop.

*Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth. Don't forget to share music, conversation, and even books with your baby!
*Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. Your baby's hearing continues to develop, he or she may start to recognize your voice as well as your partner's.
*Lungs continue to grow and prepare for functioning outside of the womb. Each day in the womb greatly increases survival rates!
*He also continues to take small breaths and although he's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when he's born.
*Eyelids are now open more. Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.
*Retinas have formed.
*Your baby will grow over ½ inch this week alone! You may suspect this phenominal growth rate repeats in the preteen years!
*Average size is now 14.4 inches (36.6cm) and 1.9 pound (875gm).

*Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth. Don't forget to share music, conversation, and even books with your baby!
*Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. Your baby's hearing continues to develop, he or she may start to recognize your voice as well as your partner's.
*Lungs continue to grow and prepare for functioning outside of the womb. Each day in the womb greatly increases survival rates!
*He also continues to take small breaths and although he's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when he's born.
*Eyelids are now open more. Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.
*Retinas have formed.
*Your baby will grow over ½ inch this week alone! You may suspect this phenominal growth rate repeats in the preteen years!
*Average size is now 14.4 inches (36.6cm) and 1.9 pound (875gm).
Thursday, May 04, 2006
3rd Time’s A Charm…
Well, first off I went to take my state exam again today. I studied my ass off all week and made myself sick about it this morning. I went to take the test and it was harder today than the first two times I took it. I swear they must make it harder every time. Punishment perhaps or just making harder to try to test you? Who knows but nonetheless it was ALOT harder. Somehow though I managed to pull through it and finally passed!!! WooHoo!!! I was so worried about it my palms were sweaty and my hands were shaking when I went out to get my results. When they told me I passed I don’t know whether I wanted to cry out of happiness or piss my pants. Haha. So yeah, now I am a Licensed Real Estate Agent in the state of New Jersey. Go me!!! Thank you everyone for the good vibes and prayers. They were very much appreciated and needed. I’m so happy that I finally have it done and off my plate. It’s one less thing I have to worry and stress about now :)
Now on to the important stuff… lil baby Aiden. Things are going well, I’m doing well. Just tired all of the time. I can’t wait until August. I’m tired of telling people that I’m tired when they ask how I’m feeling. Haha. Oh, and I've had horrible heartburn or acid reflux going on no matter what it is I eat. That I don't like. He moves around like crazy all the time! The one day he kicked me so hard that he startled me and made me jump. John was like what’s the matter are you ok???? Hehe. The one thing he keeps doing that's killing me is that he must lay weird or something and he puts a lot of pressure on my ribs or something in that area. It hurts like hell! I try to rub the spot or get him to move but he won’t most of the time. If I lay down on my opposite side I get a little bit of relief but that doesn’t help me when I’m at work or busy doing stuff to where I can’t go and lay down. John gets to feel him move all the time now too so I think he really likes that. At least that’s what the smile on his face says. He reads stories to him (Dr. Seuss of course) and we play him music too. I think he likes it. Tuesday was John's birthday, so we had a little BBQ for him and a cake. John wanted an Italian Rum cake, so that's what we got him. I think he had a nice Birthday or at least I hope he did. We go to the doctors next week for another check-up and I also have my glucose test. So hopefully everything will be good with that and of course hopefully I didn’t gain too much weight this month. Then we also have the 3D ultrasound next week, so that should be awesome. I hope that Aiden is cooperative and we get some good shots of him. I can’t believe that he’ll be here in 13 weeks. We have so much to do with cleaning and organizing and everything. I’m sure we’ll get it done, I’m always such a procrastinator but I do get it done in the end…
Now on to the important stuff… lil baby Aiden. Things are going well, I’m doing well. Just tired all of the time. I can’t wait until August. I’m tired of telling people that I’m tired when they ask how I’m feeling. Haha. Oh, and I've had horrible heartburn or acid reflux going on no matter what it is I eat. That I don't like. He moves around like crazy all the time! The one day he kicked me so hard that he startled me and made me jump. John was like what’s the matter are you ok???? Hehe. The one thing he keeps doing that's killing me is that he must lay weird or something and he puts a lot of pressure on my ribs or something in that area. It hurts like hell! I try to rub the spot or get him to move but he won’t most of the time. If I lay down on my opposite side I get a little bit of relief but that doesn’t help me when I’m at work or busy doing stuff to where I can’t go and lay down. John gets to feel him move all the time now too so I think he really likes that. At least that’s what the smile on his face says. He reads stories to him (Dr. Seuss of course) and we play him music too. I think he likes it. Tuesday was John's birthday, so we had a little BBQ for him and a cake. John wanted an Italian Rum cake, so that's what we got him. I think he had a nice Birthday or at least I hope he did. We go to the doctors next week for another check-up and I also have my glucose test. So hopefully everything will be good with that and of course hopefully I didn’t gain too much weight this month. Then we also have the 3D ultrasound next week, so that should be awesome. I hope that Aiden is cooperative and we get some good shots of him. I can’t believe that he’ll be here in 13 weeks. We have so much to do with cleaning and organizing and everything. I’m sure we’ll get it done, I’m always such a procrastinator but I do get it done in the end…