Saturday, November 22, 2008

Look Who's Here...

Raelene Skye

Raelene Skye Schnepp
Born: November 20, 2008
Time: 1:50 pm
Weight: 7 pounds, 1 ounce
Length: 20 inches long

Violet Starr

Violet Starr Schnepp
Born: November 20, 2008
Time: 2:02 pm
Weight: 6 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 19 1/2 inches long

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Little One...

Little One,

It is the morning of your life and all your dreams are just beginning.

May you touch the fireflies and stars, dance with fairies, and talk to the man in the moon. May you grow up with love and gracious hearts and people who care.

Welcome to the world, little one, it's been waiting for you.

Delivery Day...

Well, I am getting ready to leave for the hospital for my induction. I was up late last night running around trying to get the nursery ready, pack my hospital bag, spend time with Aiden, and straighten up around the house. It's crazy that by the end of today my baby girls will be here and this pregnancy will be over. It's insane to say but even though this pregnancy was hard on me I think I actually like being pregnant and will miss it. I was up all night last night. I just kept thinking about and stressing out about everything and anything. So needless to say, today I'm exhausted.

I'm just having such a rush of emotions right now I just can't even begin to explain it. Anyway, I have to go so here are some pictures before I go. I hope that everything goes well and I can deliver my baby girls without having to have a c-section.




Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Decision made…

So after going back and forth about it all day today John and I have decided that I will go to the hospital tomorrow morning for the induction. I called Dr. D back and talked to her about it and even though it was so late in the day they could still do it. John and I have been discussing it all day and we think it is the best thing. So we have to be at the hospital at 6am and they will induce me. Then we will finally get to meet our lil baby girls! I’m so nervous about it, I don’t know why… I just am.

I'm feeling really overwhelmed right now. I already had a break down and cried my eyes out a couple of times today. I hope that we are doing the right thing. I just feel such a mix of emotions right now... scared, anxious, excited, happy. I'm just like OMG! Tomorrow the girls will be here and I don't know if I'm ready for this.

I still have so much stuff to do tonight. I have to finish the nursery, finish packing my hospital bag, and spend some time with Aiden. I’m going to miss him so much while I’m in the hospital.

11th Doctor’s Appointment…

This morning I had my weekly appointment with Dr. D to check out the girls and see how they are doing. John came with me today because I knew that she was going to talk to me about doing an induction or c-section and I thought that he should be there. I’m 38 weeks now and considered full term. I haven’t been having any kind of contractions or anything. I’ve just been having minor cramping and stuff so I feel like these girls are going to go the full 40 weeks if they are given the chance. I honestly don’t mind but I am worried about the girls being so cramped up in there and of course still the issue with baby “b” and my last two ultrasounds.

Last week when I saw Dr. D she said she would be checking me today to see if I was dilated at all and to see what was going on down there. We sat there waiting our turn and they eventually called us back. I lost a pound this week so I was happy about that. Then we went back to the room and were sitting again waiting for Dr. D. I had to pee so I was about to sneak out to use the bathroom as Dr. D was about to come in. I told her I’d be right back and ran to the bathroom. When I got back to the room she was out getting a doppler so that she could hear the girls heartbeats. John and I were just sitting there talking and when she came in she was like, “Your NST last week was good. When is your next one, tomorrow?” I replied yes. Her reply was, “Well, how would you like to have some babies instead?” John and I were just like huh… what???? She then continued to go on about how I was over 38 weeks and the girls are really getting cramped up in my belly. She said that with twins at this point and to keep going to 40 weeks there is a higher mortality rate than with a singleton. Plus, with everyone being unsure of the shadow that was seen in baby “b’s” head in my last two ultrasounds that it would probably just be better. John and I had asked her about the induction. I’ve heard some horror stories about girls being induced and being in labor for like 40 hours and then ending up having to have a c-section anyway. I did not want that to happen. She said that she would never allow it to happen and she would check me and see if I was dilated and effaced. I was two centimeters dilated and fifty percent effaced. She said that was enough to do the induction tomorrow. So she went out and checked the hospitals schedule to see if they would be able to induce me tomorrow! John and I were talking while she was out of the room and all I kept saying was that I wasn’t ready yet. I would also have to see if my mom could get off of work to watch Aiden. Also my sister Sandy and my best friend Dawn would need to be able to get off work because they are going in the delivery room with me and John. It's just crazy because I wasn’t expecting her to say do you want to have your girls tomorrow! She came back and said that we could do it tomorrow or we could wait until next Wednesday but she didn’t recommend me going past that.

John and I have been talking about it all day and I just don’t know what to do. If I did get induced it would be a lot easier because we would have my mom watch Aiden during the day and John would be home in time to put him to bed. Then at the same time I feel like we should wait until the girls are ready to come out on their own. If I wait to go into labor on my own it could happen at anytime which means that if it happens at night or in the middle of the night John wouldn’t be there with Aiden and we would have to call and wake people up and stuff. Plus, Dr. D would be the one delivering the girls and I really like Dr. D. I’ve talked to a bunch of people about it today trying to get everyone’s opinion on what they would do. The other thing is that if I wait until next Wednesday to have it done, I’ll be in the hospital on Thanksgiving and who wants to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving? Not me. So now I just don’t know what to do. Right now we have the induction scheduled for next Wednesday but we’re still talking about possibly doing it tomorrow. I seriously hate having to make decisions like this. I guess we’ll just keep talking about it and see what we decide.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

38 Weeks...

Your babies each weigh just over 6 pounds and are approximately 18 inches in length. You have been full term for a week now, so you might want to start addressing those birth announcement envelopes while you still have your hands free! Your long wait will be over any time now. If you are carrying a boy (or two), have you decided whether or not you will have him (or them) circumcised? There is growing debate among parents and health care providers over circumcision but ultimately it is a personal decision for each parent.

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*If she is the "average baby," she weights 6.8 pounds (3083gm)and is 19.6 inches (49.8cm) long.
*Have you noticed she hiccups a lot? Because there is no air around her, those breathing exercises cause amniotic fluid to get into her windpipe. The result? Hiccups!
*Your child's intestines are accumulating lots of meconium. Meconium takes on the role of being your baby's first bowel movement -- removing the waste that has accumulated.
*She may have a full head of hair now -- an inch or more long! Don't be surprised if it's an unexpected color. Some blond couples have dark haired babies; some dark haired couples have red-haired babies; some couples have babies with only peach fuzz! It may just persuade you to take a closer look at your family tree!
*Circumference of head and abdomen are about the same size for your baby. No wonder it's so hard to get a t-shirt over a newborn's head!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some Fun Facts...

*Your Due Date Is Tuesday, December 02, 2008
*Your conception date was most likely Tuesday, March 11, 2008
*You are in Week 38 of your pregnancy
and your baby is 36 weeks old. Why is this?
*264 days down, 16 to go!

Fun Birthday Facts
*Your baby's birthstone will be Turquoise (Prosperity)
*Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Sagittarius
*Your baby's Flower is Narcissus or Holly (Indigo, Green, Greenish-Blue)
*Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Rat
*This time next year your baby will be 50 Weeks Old!
*Your baby will start kindergarten in 2013, be old enough to drive a car in 2024, finish high school in 2026, and will graduate from college with the class of 2030, give or take a year. Can you imagine?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today’s NST & Ultrasound…

Today I went to the hospital to have my weekly NST and my follow-up ultrasound from last week to check the babies heads. The NST went well. At first the nurse had a hard time finding baby “a’s” heartbeat. I think it was because she dropped down low into my pelvis and she was looking in the spot that she found her last week. You could barely hear her heartbeat but the nurse said that she had a good heart rate. She found baby “b’s” heartbeat right away and it was nice and strong. I sat there for a while listening to the girls heartbeats and clicking the button when they moved. The nurse came back in to check on me and had to move the monitor because she wasn’t getting the readings that she needed. Once she moved the monitor she had to take the little buzzer thingy to stimulate them ad wake them up as I guess it was their naptime. As soon as she put the thing on my belly, she woke them right up! Haha. I sat there for a while longer and she got all of the readings and information that she needed. So she took all of the monitors off of my belly and I went to sit in the waiting room until they were ready to do the ultrasound.

Another nurse eventually came out to get me and take me into the back for my ultrasound. The ultrasound tech asked if they checked my amniotic fluid levels and I told her that they had only done the NST and that was all. She said she would check them while she was checking the girls heads. My fluid levels were good and she went on checking the girls heads and taking lots of pictures. She said baby “a” was head down still and had dropped down low into my pelvis. Baby “B” was still head down as well but she is still off to the side a little bit towards my hip. She got everything she needed and the said she was going to go and get the doctor to look at the report and then they would be back.

The doctor came in and started looking at the pictures and then he picked up the ultrasound wand and started looking around. He showed me on the monitor where baby “b” still has what he is calling an artifact in he cerebellum. So of course I got upset right away. He said that he is going to recommend that they take the babies next week because I am considered full term at this point anyway, especially with twins. I asked him if that meant that I would have to have a c-section and he said yes. Of course I wanted to cry at that point because I am trying to avoid a c-section like the plague. He explained that if there is something wrong I baby “b’s” head that to try to have a vaginal delivery could possibly cause further damage with her having to squeeze through the birth canal and stuff. I totally understand what he is saying and would not want to risk hurting her or risk anything bad happening. He asked why I was so against a c-section and I explained to him about having a 2 year old at home and that it will be really hard for me to take care of 2 newborns and Aiden as well as recovering from a c-section. I know Aiden is going to have a hard enough time with the girls being here without me having to be like Aiden you can’t sit on mommy, don’t touch mommy’s belly, and all of that stuff. I want to try to make the transition as easy as possible for him. The doctor said he understood that and then he kept looking around at the babies heads. He asked me to hold the ultrasound wand in a certain place while he ran out to get the ultrasound tech. They both came back I and he was looking around some more and the two of them kept going back and forth talking about what they were seeing. They finally came to the conclusion that they believe it is just the way the ultrasound light is hitting the baby’s head and it is causing a reflection. They explained to me that they usually do the ultrasound from one angle but because of the baby’s positioning and that they are so cramped up in there that they think it is just a refection or an artifact. So he said he is not going to recommend that I have a c-section, he will leave that decision up to the doctor and me. But that once the girls are born he wants an ultrasound done of the babies heads to make sure that there is nothing there. The doctor told me to schedule an NST for next week for in case I don’t go into labor before then and then to just let him know how everything turns out once the girls arrive and they do the ultrasound.

So now I am totally torn and confused over what I should do. Like I’ve said a thousand times I want to avoid a c-section unless it is totally necessary and there is no other way. Yet, because of the fact that there might be something going on with baby “b” I don’t want to add any additional stress or trauma to her head which is a big possibility if I have a vaginal birth. I just don’t know what to do because there could be some sort of a clot or hemorrhage or it could be nothing. I am really hoping and praying that it is nothing. I would feel absolutely terrible if I insisted on having a vaginal birth and then something happening to either one of the girls. I just don’t know what to do…

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

10th Doctor’s Appointment…

Today I had my 37 week check-up with Dr. R. I can’t believe that the girls are still hiding out in mommies squishy little apartment! They have to seriously have no room in there and I would think be quite uncomfortable. There is still no sign of them coming anytime soon. Everything is going well. They both have nice strong heartbeats which the doctor found right away. I gained a little more weight than I would have liked but she said it is probably just me retaining water. My feet and legs are really swollen again. She measured me and I’m measuring in at 43 weeks, which she said is where I belong. I think I’m going to have John measure my belly and see how big that really is. I feel like a beached whale!

She asked me if we have a date set up yet for an induction or a c-section. I told her no that Dr. D had mentioned an induction last week but said we would talk more about it in the next 2 weeks. So we talked about the position of the babies and I told her that they are both head down but they are off to the side towards my hip and not in my pelvis area. She said hopefully they moved down to a better position this past week. She tried to feel around my belly to see where the heads were and she said it seems like baby “a” and baby “b” are in a fight to see who gets first position. Haha. She said it felt as if baby “a” won and was down in my pelvis area. I go tomorrow morning for a follow-up ultrasound from last week, so I guess we’ll find out then.

She had also asked me if I had anyone donate blood on my behalf for incase I need it. This was the first I’ve heard anything about this so I looked at her like she had 3 heads! Apparently, the reasoning for this is because when I had Aiden they couldn’t get me to stop bleeding for a while and they kept having to give me some sort of shots (I forget what they were) to get me to stop bleeding. Well, since that happened with Aiden and now with me being pregnant with the twins and my uterus being so stretched out she said I have a high chance of it happening again. So she suggested that I should have one of my sisters donate blood on my behalf so the hospital will have it just in case I need it. I asked my sister Sandy if she would do it and she said she would. So I have to call the Red Cross to find out how I go about doing that.

I have another appointment scheduled for next Wednesday, unless the girls decide to show up before then. Dr. R said that they will check me then to see if my cervix has started to thin out or if I have dilated at all. She also said we will talk about the induction or c-section at that point to see about scheduling one or the other. I guess the deciding factor will be on the position of the girls and what’s going on with my cervix. I’m still going back and forth about if I want to do an induction or if I just want to wait and let them come out when they are ready. I’m just so torn about what to do.

I think that was everything or at least it’s all I can remember right now. I have such horrible pregnancy brain it’s insane! I go tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and NST. Hopefully they will be able to get a good shot of baby “b’s” head and hopefully everything is ok. So I won’t be worrying about whether or not they saw a blood clot or brain hemorrhage in last week’s ultrasound. I’ve been praying that it was just bad positioning and a bad angle!

On another note… tomorrow night is a full moon and apparently a lot of women seem to have their water break and go into labor when it is a full moon. Here is an article with the reasons why The Moons Effect on Natural Childbirth It was interesting reading. But I don’t know if I believe it or not. It would be cool if I had the girls tomorrow because it’s the 13th and that’s my lucky number and stuff but at the same time I’m just not ready for them yet. I still have to finish setting up the nursery and stuff like that. Sometimes it feels like I’m never going to be ready for their arrival.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

37 Weeks...

Your babies are considered full term, even though the 40-week mark is still three weeks away! They are about 6 pounds and measure about 18 inches in length, and have developed enough coordination to grasp an object with their fingers, called the palmar grasp reflex. This is a good time to consider how extensively you want your babies screened for diseases and conditions once they are born. The number of conditions babies are tested for varies by state; however, every state screens for at least two disorders. Expanded newborn screening is available through private companies and screens for up to 40 disorders.

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*This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length.
*She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.
*Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water"?
*Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
*A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
*As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, she develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child. Ever heard of a baby getting her days/nights mixed up? Now's the time to try to avoid that!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

An update from yesterdays ultrasound…

Today I heard back from Dr. D and she spoke to the doctor over at the hospital and also received a copy of his report from the ultrasound and NST yesterday. She said that the non-stress test came back fine and that the girls had nice strong heart beats and stuff. She said as far as the ultrasound goes, that he made note of the spot he saw in baby b’s head and said that he believes that it was just the angle that the baby way laying in and it looked like there was something there because it was really hard for them to get a good shot. He had noted that he wanted a follow-up ultrasound done next week to see if the babies had moved any so that they could get a better look at their heads. I told her no one said anything to me about having to have an ultrasound next week and I only scheduled the NST like they told me to. She said that after I hung up with her to call over to the hospital and tell them that I need an appointment for an ultrasound next week for a follow-up. I talked to her for a few minutes about it all and she told me not to worry about it. That she is sure it is nothing and the baby was just in a bad position. It’s a lot easier to tell me not to worry about it, than me actually not worrying about it (I worry about everything).

I called the hospital and explained my situation to them. The girl put me on hold so that she could read the report from yesterday. She came back like five minutes later and read to me what the report said and sure enough it said to come back next week. So I told her I had an NST scheduled for next Thursday morning and I would like to just do them both in the same visit. She was flipping through the schedule and said “I don’t think we’re going to be able to fit you in at all next week. We’re totally booked up”. I was trying to be as nice as possible but told her that they will have to squeeze me in somewhere next week. I am not about to wait until the following week to make sure that everything is ok with the girls and there isn’t a problem. She put me on hold again and then came back about five minutes later and was like, ok I squeezed you in right after your NST so you will just come in the morning and have them both done back to back like you did yesterday. I said thank you and I will be there next Thursday.

So as of now they are saying that everything is fine with the girls and I go back next week for another ultrasound. Hopefully the girls will have moved into a better position and they will be able to get a good look at both of the girls heads to rule out whatever they thought they saw. For me, I am just going to try not to worry about it until then. Like I said, a lot easier said then done!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

6th Ultrasound & NST…

Today I went to the hospital to have my monthly ultrasound done and also to have my first non-stress test done. This was the first ultrasound that I had to go to by myself because we couldn’t find anyone to watch Aiden and I knew we couldn’t take him with us. He would just get too upset and not sit well.

It seemed as if everything was going ok while the ultrasound tech was doing all of her measurements and taking her pictures. She of course got a good shot of Baby “A” for us but not Baby “B”. I’ve come to the conclusion that Baby “B” is going to give us a serious run for our money! Haha. Anyway, both babies are kind of head down but in a weird position. They are off to the side a little bit towards my hip and not in my pelvis area. Both heads are right next to each other again. Baby “A” is measuring in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and Baby “B” is measuring in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. so it seems as if Baby “A” had a bit of a growth spurt because my last ultrasound they were both weighing in exactly the same. They both had nice strong heartbeats but Baby “B” wasn’t moving around much. The tech kept poking on my belly and trying to wake her up and she got some movement so she said that was good. She finished up with everything she needed to do and then said she was going to go and get the doctor. She told me not to clean up my belly because the doctor may need to check something. She asked if I wanted to sit up so I could breathe easier and I said yes. Thank goodness I did because it took her forever to get back with the doctor. If I had stayed lying down I probably would have passed out!

So the doctor came in along with the tech and right away he started asking me all these crazy questions. He asked if I’ve ever had any problems with my blood count or platelets. I told him no but I’ve been anemic a bunch of times but that is it. He also asked if I’ve had any blunt trauma to the abdominal area. I was like no. He asked if I’ve recently started taking any new medications, I said no. There was something else he asked but I forget what it was. He then had me lay back down and said he needed to check something out. I was just sitting there a bit bewildered on where all these questions were coming from and wondering what was the matter. The doctor and the tech kept going back and forth talking amongst themselves as if I wasn’t in the room. She kept pointing different things out to him and he would just say, yes I see it. They were looking at something on one of the girls heads. The tech said she didn’t know if there was really something there or if it was just the angle they were getting because it is getting so cramped up in there. The doctor sent the tech out of the room to go and look at my last ultrasounds to see if there was anything that they could see there. He kept pushing really hard on my belly with the ultrasound wand and apologized for having to push so hard but said he needed to try to get a good shot of the baby’s head. He started to explain to me that they thought they might have seen something wrong with Baby “B”’s head. That it looked like there might have been a blood clot or brain hemorrhage. Right away I got all worried and upset about it. The ultrasound tech came back into the room and said she looked on my last three ultrasounds and didn’t see anything. So they came to the conclusion that it was probably just the angle that the baby was laying in and that they couldn’t get a good view. He also said something to her about how a fetal MRI would rule it out. The doctor then told me to go and get my non-stress test done and he would see what those results were and then talk to me before I left.

The tech walked me down the hall to the room that they do the non-stress tests in and handed me off to another technician. She said that she was shocked that I was pregnant with twins, 36 weeks pregnant, and they have not done a non-stress test yet. I just shrugged my shoulders and said this is when they told me to come in. She hooked me up to two different monitors so that she could see the babies heartbeats and handed me a lil clicker thing that I had to push a button on every time I felt the babies move. Baby “A” wasn’t being very cooperative and she was having a really hard time getting a reading on her. She had to buzz her with some crazy vibrating thing to try to wake her up. She eventually got all of the readings she needed so she told me that she was going to go and have the doctor look at the report and then she would be back. I guess she was gone for about 10 or 15 minutes and then she came back and said that the doctor said everything looked ok and for me to come back for another NST next week. I replied with well is whatever he was so concerned and worried about ok with the baby’s brain? She said she didn’t know anything about that so it must be ok. I just stood there like WTF!!! I went out and scheduled my NST for next week and left. I called John as soon as I walked out of the hospital. I told him what happened and he got all mad that I left without demanding to talk to the doctor. I also told my sister Sandy & my best friend Dawn about what happened and I got yelled at by both of them as well. After being yelled at by three different people I called Dr. D’s office to tell her about what happened. I told the nurse about what happened at the hospital and she went and got Dr. D. So I spoke to Dr. D about it and she said that the whole thing made no sense. She said that she couldn’t talk to the doctor at the hospital until tomorrow so she would call him first thing and see what was going on and then she promised that she would call me to let me know what was going on. She said to try not to worry about it and that she was sure everything was ok that if there was any kind of problem with the babies or me, that they wouldn’t have been able to let me leave the hospital. So now I just have to wait until tomorrow to hear from her. It’s not so easy to just “not worry about it” but at this point that’s all I can do.


36 Weeks...

Your babies weigh between 5.5 and 6 pounds, measure just over 17 inches in length, and are almost ready to check out of "Hotel Mom." They have moved downward into your pelvic cavity; hopefully headfirst. However, at this stage it is very common for babies to be feet first, or breech. The positioning of your babies is one factor that will determine whether you'll be able to deliver vaginally or via c-section. But if you are carrying triplets or more, a c-section is nearly guaranteed to ensure the safety of you and your babies.

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*Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply her chances to breathe on her own.
*If she hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If she's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
*Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists.
*Her skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
*Her gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see her teeth.
*She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products.
*Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g).
*Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!

Monday, November 03, 2008

9th Doctor’s Appointment…

This afternoon I started going to the doctors for my weekly check-ups. Everything is still going well. I gained 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks, so I was a lil upset about that. My blood pressure was good, my urine test was good. She asked me if I went to have the leg doppler test done and I told her that I went on Friday and they said they would fax her a copy of the report by the end of the day. Of course it wasn’t in my file so she was a bit pissed about that. Dr. D asked me if I still feel a lot of movement from the girls. I told her that sometimes they will get pretty quite for a while but eventually they start kicking me again. She said if that happens again to eat or drink something sugary and try to wake them up and if they don’t wake up to call her right away. So of course I will start paying more attention to it. We also talked about what’s been going on and I told her about how I was having such bad pains and cramps on Friday and I described them to her. She checked me to see if I was dilated or if my cervix was getting soft and both were a big fat no! She said there is nothing going on down there so all of my contractions were for nothing. Haha. She did the Group B Strep test so I guess I’ll find out the results of that next week. She asked me if I started going for my weekly non-stress tests yet and I told her no, not until tomorrow. I’m scheduled to have an ultrasound and then the non-stress test.

We talked a little bit about how long these girls are going to stay in my belly baking. I’m starting to think they might go all the way if given the chance. Dr. D said that there is no reason to keep them in there past 38 weeks. So next week we can see what’s going on and then discuss possibly doing an induction. Then I would go into the hospital in the morning and they would induce me. I would have the babies sometime during the day. I’m going to have to do a little research on it and see how an induction goes and what it is all about. I don’t want a c-section and she knows that for sure. I told John that I honestly want to look into the induction and consider it. I say that just because if we went that route John would be able to be home for Aiden to put him to bed at night and everything. I wouldn’t have to worry about going into labor in the middle of the night or anything like that. So I wouldn’t be so worried about John not being there for Aiden or Aiden being upset that neither one of us was there during the night. John and I talked a little bit about it and I’m going to research it a bit, ask around about it, and see what happens in the next week.

Like I said before I go for an ultrasound and my first non-stress test tomorrow. Then I go back next week for another check-up with the doctor. So we’ll see what happens. It doesn’t look like these girls are going to make their appearance anytime soon!

Oh, and before I left she found the test results from my venus leg doppler and everything came back ok and there are no blood clots. So that is a good thing.